The puppet practitioners looked up at the high figure above them, and their eyes were full of horror.

After hearing that Mengwu was killed without a word, they rushed over to get revenge for Mengwu.

How could this breath be swallowed to kill the elders of their alliance directly in this realm?

However, the scene in front of them was completely beyond their expectations. Such strength ... no wonder dare to kill Mengwu directly.

After hearing that the other party did not intend to kill, they all got up and hurried toward the restaurant.

Such strength ... not what they can handle!

Shu Qi has been holding the weapon inside the house, thinking when she can help Baili Hongzhuang.

I did not expect that from the shot to the end, there was nothing I could do to help, and everything was over.


Shu Qi took a deep breath, and then she felt relieved.

"Blue girl, really is a master!"

This is really a hundred enemy!

There is a blue girl here, and no one else needs to help at all. The blue girl alone is enough.

Bailihongzhuang smiled slightly, "No need to make a flatterer, are the storage rings closed?"

Shu Qilian nodded again and again, regarding his fighting strength, he did not have to admire the blue girl, he admired even more that during the fight, the blue girl did not forget to take off the rings .

Looking at the storage ring in this hand, although it is not clear what baby is here, you don't have to think about it to know that the stuff here will be very rich.

After all ... this is the treasure of the practitioners of the main city of Zhouli!

"It's all here."

Shu Qi handed the storage ring in front of Bailihongzhuang, a smile on her face.

Baili Hongzhuang raised her hand and gave two of the storage rings to Shu Qi, "There should be the cultivation resources you need here."

Obediently, Shu Qi stared blankly at Baili Hongzhuang and couldn't believe it.

"These two ... for me?"

These are all masters' storage rings, and the cultivation resources are probably far beyond his imagination.

Seeing that Blue Girl had harvested so many storage rings in an instant, he only had envy, but he didn't expect it to be given to him in an instant?

"A question?" Baili Hongzhuang asked.

"No problem, no problem!"

Shu Qi quickly picked up two storage rings, and her eyes were full of gratitude.

"Blue girl, thank you so much."

"You're welcome." Baili Hongzhuang chuckled. "You were too pretentious to speak for me. This is what you deserve."

As soon as Shu Qi was ashamed, he just felt that the girl looked a bit like his sister who was no longer there. When she saw it, she felt a sense of closeness.

It was for this reason that she stood out subconsciously when she saw that she was bullied like that.

I did not expect that I accidentally hit the luck!

Originally it was a road to death, and it turned into a living road.

And ... he feels like he has accumulated all his life's luck here!

At this time, Qi Sanniang also slowly walked up.

Looking at the whole house that was about to be demolished, there was a little more fun in looking at Baili Hongzhuang.

"Girl, I am going to be demolished by you ..."

"How many spirits? I compensate." Baili Hongzhuang said.

However, Qi Sanniang suddenly smiled and waved, "No need."

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