If the peak of Jiupin just made everyone sigh that another strong man appeared, then a "+" behind it is very curious.

This means that even if this strong man just came to the Tower of Sky, she would not be long before becoming a character on the upper 30th floor, becoming a top character among them.

"Go and inquire, which power is this powerful role." Cong Zuo said.

Yu Zong waved his hand. "I don't think you need to be so anxious. Such a powerful figure will soon come directly to the 30th floor. Will you know her identity then?"

"Lan Yixuan, this should be a girl, but in the main city of Lizhou, I have not heard of the powerful role of the surname Lan."

Everyone frowned, searching for this figure in their minds.

After all, as long as such a strong person appears, it is impossible to remain anonymous, and everyone should have heard her name from various sources.

However, everyone thought about it carefully, and found that there was really no bit of news about the name.


Baili Hongzhuang and Han Chenyang had no idea that this test had caused a lot of sensation on the upper thirty floors, and they were still talking.

"Blue girl, I can pick you up today, it looks like it's really doomed to fate."

Obediently, Baili Hongzhuang Liu Mei slightly raised, "What does this mean?"

"We are neighbors now."

The moment the words fell, Han Chenyang pointed to the room beside him.

"You live in room two?" Baili Hongzhuang wondered.

Han Chenyang nodded, "Yes, I live here.

This room was empty before. I thought it would soon belong to me. I didn't expect to become Mu Girl now. "

The room number means ranking. Except that the practitioners on the upper 30th floor do not often change rooms because of ranking, the practitioners on the remaining 60th floor are more enthusiastic about changing rooms.

Generally speaking, as long as there is an opportunity, everyone will not let go.

After all, this is a symbol of strength.

"So, didn't I rob your room?"

Baili Hongzhuang didn't expect things to happen so well, but this also meant that Han Chenyang was very strong.

"You can't say that. Setting up a room was originally based on strength ranking. Your strength is stronger than mine, and naturally it is in front of me.

However, with our room number, we should soon be able to rise to the 60th floor.

The 60th floor is the top floor of the middle floor. As long as you live in this floor, it means that you have the hope of becoming one of the members of the upper 30th floor, and the status of the entire tower has been greatly improved. "

Han Chenyang's eyes were slightly bright, obviously looking forward to all this.

"By the time we go to the 60th floor, we can also be partners."

Baili Hongzhuang nodded lightly, quite agree, "OK."

"In addition to practicing in the house on weekdays, there are various shops on each floor. Basically, you can buy everything you want here.

What's more, what you buy here is of higher quality than what you buy outside, and some of them are made by the strong here. "

Han Chenyang chuckled, "When you are free, you can find here that the range is much larger than you think."

"I also guessed that the range is not small."

Baili Hongzhuang looked around. She is now in an accommodation area, and the way from here is the location of the shop.

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