Upon hearing this answer, Baili Hongzhuang also smiled, "That's fine."

Shu Qi touched his head embarrassedly after he was overjoyed. His strength is really unspeakable in front of the blue girl, which is too weak ...

"By the way, I came here today to have something to help you." Baili Hongzhuang said.

Shu Qi was stunned, and quickly said: "I don't know what Blue Girl can do for me? As long as I can help, I will do my best."

Looking at Shu Qi's anxious and serious look, Baili Hongzhuang smiled and waved his hand, "You don't have to worry, trivial."

With that said, she took out two white porcelain bottles and handed them to Shu Qi.

Looking at the white porcelain bottle in his hand, a look of doubt appeared in Shu Qi's eyes.

"These are two kinds of immortals that I have refined, which help to improve my cultivation, but they have not been effective enough for me, and I do n’t feel it very well. One is better. "

With the fall of Baili Hongzhuang's words, Shu Qi's expression became more complicated.

This is called help?

Is this obviously the blue girl helping him?

Elixir which is helpful for cultivation and improvement has always been more precious. It is too difficult to buy this Elixir at the Tower of Heaven with his family.

The previous elixir has helped him a lot, and at this moment the blue girl took out two other elixir.

This is clearly to help him for another reason?

For a moment, Shu Qi also hesitated.

Baili Hongzhuang saw Shu Qi's hesitation and guessed his thoughts. He couldn't help saying: "It will be alchemy exhibition in a few days. I really need your help."

She participated in the alchemy exhibition this time, and naturally she couldn't bring too much immortality. The effect of this immortality was good.

As long as you determine which of the two prescriptions is better, you should be able to achieve the effect she wants.

Shu Qi was stunned. He had heard other people mention the four words of "Pill of Medicine" during the test, but he didn't know what it was, so he didn't intervene.

Now that I heard Baili Hongzhuang, I also understood that this was true, and the smile on my face gradually widened.

"it is good!"

"Tell me after you have confirmed the effect."

"it is good."

Baili Hongzhuang knew that Shu Qi had been cultivating in the house since he had been to the Tower of Heaven. He had not been to other places, so he was relieved.

As long as he rarely shows up, no one will notice him at all, in other words, it is safe.

In a blink of an eye, the days of alchemy exhibition come as scheduled.

Baili Hongzhuang had learned the answer from Shu Qi's mouth a few days ago, and chose one of the better medicines, and refined some more.

The alchemy exhibition was held on the 60th floor.

Even the cultivators who ca n’t reach the end of the day can go to the 60th floor on this special day. This news alone has aroused many people ’s excitement.

This means that today's sixty floors are full of cultivators, and there will be people with all kinds of practices, far more lively than usual.

Baili Hongzhuang walked out of the house and was planning to go to the 60th floor, when he saw Han Chenyang who opened the door at the same time.

"Blue girl, go to the 60th floor?" Han Chenyang smiled.

Baili Hongzhuang nodded slightly, "Yeah, did you go to the 60th floor?"

"That's nature." Han Chenyang nodded, "This grand medicine exhibition is also a big event at the Tower of Heaven, and if you can go, you will definitely join in the fun."

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