When Han Chenyang saw Baili Hongzhuang satirizing Ao Chen in the face of so many people, a strange look appeared in his eyes.

Although they also had a conflict with Ao Chen last time, they were always a contradiction between him and Ao Chen. Baili Hongzhuang only helped to concede two sentences.

At present, this environment is obviously the majority of people who help Ao Chen. She dared to speak like this, and the courage is really not too small!


Ao Chen also didn't expect Baili Hongzhuang to say such things. What happened last time was a stain for him.

He hasn't appeared much these days, just to make everyone forget about it.

I never thought it would be raised up this time.

Everyone on the scene looked at this scene and naturally understood that the relationship between the two parties was in full swing.

Jiao Wei was very indifferent, he raised his hand to interrupt the dispute between the two.

"This is a place where you can make your own elixirs. Since you came here, it is naturally based on elixirs. As for other things, it is not the most important thing."

Hearing Jiao Wei's words, Yan Lai also nodded.

"Let's talk about Elixir here."

Han Chenyang looked at Baili Hongzhuang with some concern, and this situation was a bit detrimental to them.

If there is a problem with the medicine taken out, I am afraid it will be targeted.

However, Baili Hongzhuang was very indifferent. She walked up to Yan Lai, which is the center of this circle.

"The elixir I created this time is also an elixir that helps to improve cultivation."

As soon as the words came out, the surroundings were quiet.

Everyone looked at her in surprise, her eyes full of consternation.

"Elixir for improving cultivation?"

Everyone actually didn't expect much from Baili Hongzhuang's panacea, but when she said this, everyone was still in shock.

Improving cultivation medicine is the most difficult to create among many medicines, and even top pharmacists may not be able to do this.

This girl was such a panacea when she opened her mouth?

At this moment, Yan Lai and others couldn't help but look a little straight.

In fact, the strength of the cultivators who live on the 59th floor is not bad. If we talk about cultivation behavior, there is indeed a slight gap between them and the 30th floor.

But this does not mean that alchemy is also lost to them.

Maybe the girl ’s strength has not reached this level, but she is a very powerful pharmacist.

Jiao Wei glanced at Ao Chen with a few inquiries in his sight.

Ao Chen was also stunned. He really didn't know much about Lan Yixuan.

Even if the last time she suffered a loss in her hands, the news I heard later was only that Lan Yixuan had just arrived at the Tower of Heaven, but just happened to be received by Han Chenyang, and the two became friends.

In addition, no one knows where this Lan Yixuan came from, and no one knows her identity background.

This woman is clearly the first time she has come to the main city of Zhouli, and there is nothing in it about the main city of Zhouli that is intertwined.

But this woman's courage is so big that she doesn't even care about offending him.

It's just that in terms of the various situations shown now, this woman may be really not simple.

Because she is too calm.

When I first arrived, this momentum was like the long-established strongman of the main city of Lizhou.

That self-confident look was not pretended at all, as long as you look at it, you can know that she is really confident and not afraid.

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