Han Chenyang and Ao Chen were always puzzled. I didn't know why everyone's attitude became like this. After hearing a word from Hongtuo Refining Pharmacist, the two were so surprised that they couldn't even close their mouths.

"Nine Pinnacle Peak Powerhouse?"

Han Chenyang's eyes widened. He didn't know what to say. The girl in front of him turned out to be such a powerful god?

This is too incredible. ! !

What is the concept of Nine Pins Peak Powerhouse?

Even in the Tower of Heaven, it is a top-notch existence!

Such a person should belong to the upper thirty floors from the moment of his appearance. Did he even know such a strong man?

The most important thing is the appearance of Baili Hongzhuang. There is no way to hook her to those strong men, because it looks too young.

She stood with these predecessors in front of her, she was a junior!

Ao Chen stared blankly at Han Chenyang. He no longer knew how to describe his mood.

Han Chenyang is crazy!

Even if he wants to pit him, he doesn't need to find such a terrible strong man?

This offended her, wasn't it directly shot to death?

Even if the two's hearts were shocked, how could they not believe that all of this is true in front of them, but seeing that all the seniors had changed their looks, they understood that it was all true.

Lan Yixuan is the real strongman, and he is also a well-known strongman on the 30th floor!

Just after a strong man came to the Tower of Heaven, he had already remembered the name directly by the whole strongman on the 30th floor. What a terrible existence this is!

Baili Hongzhuang didn't even know what was going on, but now after hearing this explanation, he immediately understood.

"It turns out this way ..."

Originally, she thought that her rank could only be seen by the cultivators of the fifty-ninth floor. Unexpectedly, even the people on the thirtyth floor could see it.

And from everyone's reaction, it seems that he has caused a lot of movement.

"Lan Xiaoyou, I haven't heard of your name before. I don't know where you came from?"

Hongtuo is obviously very interested in Baili Hongzhuang, so young can have such a terrible strength, no matter where it is, it must be a famous powerhouse!

As long as you think about it, you may find relevant links.

Baili Hongzhuang smiled slightly and said, "I used to retreat and practice. No one knows my strength, and no one has seen my true face."

Hearing, Hong Tuo and others nodded and understood what she meant.

Everyone knew that the girl didn't want to mention the previous thing, so she didn't ask again.

The hero doesn't ask the source. With her strength, she wants to live a beautiful life. That's a simple thing.

"Isn't this girl aware of the change in the situation, so she was born?"

"There have been many cultivators who have done this recently. The battle between the demon domain and the fairy domain is about to erupt, and the demon world has once again appeared in our sight.

These strong men have been hiding in the deep mountains and old forests on weekdays, and no one knows their existence.

Now that everything is different, it is naturally beginning to appear in everyone's eyes. "

"Recently, there have been more and more powerful people appearing in the Tower of Heaven. I think that is the reason. I watched the competition on the 30th floor start to become fierce!"

"This girl is super powerful and a pharmacist, there is no need to say more."

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