"That girl is so powerful that even if she offends Yanmeng, there might not be a chance in this main city of Li, but you are different!

Isn't it a pity that you have taken an impulse to put your future into it? "

Feeling the sympathy in the emotion of the three, Shu Qi couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Blue girl did not leave me behind." Shu Qi said.

Hearing this, the three of Dong Yi could not help laughing, seeming to be embarrassed to break through him, and reached a certain tacit understanding.

However, Qiu Lei is not so polite.

"How could she not leave you behind?"

Qiu Lei sneered, Shu Qi's behavior in that day completely turned his back on him.

Perhaps it was that the girl was more promising, so he was directly replaced in the middle, making him feel very embarrassing.

I thought that there would be no chance to meet him in the future. The Yanmeng people will definitely solve him directly. Although there are still some unpleasant feelings in his heart, I think that since the other party is dead, he can be said to be smooth, but it is a pity. Did not see it.

However, he did not expect that this guy's life is so big!

The strength of Yanmeng ’s people is not weak. It stands to reason that chasing and killing these two guys is totally unnecessary. How can this guy survive to the present?

Simply unreasonable!

"That girl looks so beautiful, as long as she wants, it is really not a problem to find a man in the main city of Lizhou, but in this case, how could she take you?"

Qiu Lei saw through everything. He saw this kind of thing much more, and he could understand what was going on with a little thought.

"Unless she comes to the tower of heaven herself."

Shu Qi frowned as he listened to Qiu Lei's remarks. What this guy had said before made him feel very unhappy, but he didn't expect him to go too far.

It ’s okay if it ’s just slandering him, but when it comes to Blue Girl, he ca n’t bear it!

Since what happened in the first place, Blue Girl doesn't need to ignore him, just leave.

But Blue Girl didn't do it. Not only did she not do it, but the opposite has always been good to him.

Even so many powerful characters can still take care of him, and even give him the Elixir specially, which is really the best person he has ever met.

"Blue Girl did come to the Tower of Heaven."

Shu Qi's face was slightly cold, "Blue Girl has always cared for me, and I hope you don't slander her."

With Shu Qi's words falling, Dong Yi and three people were all surprised, just thought this guy was crazy?

Before talking to the girl in that restaurant, they were already crazy in their eyes. Now that they are meeting here, he still has the same attitude.

From their point of view, this is almost like being poisoned by someone, and lost their minds!

Qiu Lei was furious. "Shu Qi, I haven't seen you for a while. Your guts are really getting bigger!"

Do you think it's great that you can stay in this tower?

Just because of your strength, I am afraid that I will be struggling within the range of 100 in every assessment. I really think I am amazing? "

"Do you believe Lao Tzu directly killed you today?"

As soon as this remark came out, the three of Dong Yi couldn't help but change their faces. Unexpectedly, Qiu Lei really wanted to start with Shu Qi.

Seeing this, the three couldn't help but make him wink, and motioned him to leave here quickly.

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