How could Shu Qi's strength be so strong?

Isn't his strength the same? It stands to reason that it is simply impossible to play Lei Shao less!

Shu Qi frowned and looked at Qiu Lei, saying: "The previous things have passed. At that time, it was indeed that I did something wrong. I don't think you will be there.

However, I hope that this matter has been revealed, how? "

However, Qiu Lei whispered after hearing this, his eyes full of ridicule.

"What happened in the beginning is like that. You are leaving these two sentences lightly now, which is a bit ridiculous."

Qiu Lei's mood was extremely bad, especially when he realized that Shu Qi's strength was not weaker than him at all, even when his strength was stronger than him, his anger became stronger and stronger.

He has never put this guy in the eye, but did not expect that his strength has improved a lot during this time.

This discovery made him even more annoyed and angry, as to the strength of this kid to make such progress.

"So what do you want?" Shu Qi frowned.

He really didn't expect to see Qiu Lei here, nor did he expect this guy to be so angry because of such insignificant things.

Qiu Lei chuckled, "I want you to die!"

As soon as this remark came out, Shu Qi's face also froze.

"In that case, there is nothing more to say."

A cold color appeared in Shu Qi's eyes, he had already said this matter, Qiu Lei must press this step by step, then only hands on!

"You can die!"

Qiu Lei took the initiative to attack Shu Qi again, and his strength under the fury was also maximized.

If he could not solve this kid by himself today, that would be a joke!

Shu Qi didn't keep any more hands this time, and there was no room for relaxation. It was endless!


The two figures collided together, and Shu Qi's progress during this time was fully demonstrated.

He hasn't done it for a long time, but his cultivation never stopped, even because he didn't want to embarrass Blue Girl during this time, he has never been so serious since cultivation.

Not only does cultivation improve, but even actual combat never gives up.

This hands-on at this moment, the accumulated strength since this time has fully exploded.

Qiu Lei was originally like a rainbow, but as the two men made more and more moves, he found that after he was completely beaten by Shu Qi, his face became very ugly.

This kid's strength has really improved so much during this time!


Shu Qi kicked Qiu Lei directly in the chest and kicked him out!


Qiu Lei fell **** the ground, and even slid a little distance.

Dong Yi and three people stared blankly at the scene, and there was a shock in their expressions.

"We haven't seen it in just a short time. How has Shuqi's strength improved so much?"

"I don't know, our strength can't be beaten by Lei Lei, but Shu Qi is able to defeat him, which proves that his strength may have broken through a small realm during this time."

This is not difficult to guess, as long as you think about it, you can know what is going on.

However, what they can't understand is how Shu Qi broke through in such a short time?

When they came here from the city of thorns, Shu Qi's strength was clearly broken shortly. How could it be broken again so quickly?

It's unreasonable!

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