Since Blue Girl asked him to pay attention to Yanmeng's move downstairs, he investigated the whole matter out of curiosity.

Blue Girl had just arrived at first sight, plus Yanmeng was n’t too troublesome, so he only knew what was going on after a little investigation.

Judging from the current situation, he felt that Yanmeng might not have known that it was the blue girl who was in conflict with them that day.

In this matter, he had originally checked it in the reverse direction. Naturally, it was easier to find out, but Yanmeng was different.

An unfamiliar girl, who had no news at all, did not even know where she went.

Even though the blue girl's reputation is so loud today, they are afraid they haven't thought about it at all.

In this way, it is not surprising that you do not know.

Baili Hongzhuang looked at the situation in front of her. She was very aware of Shuqi's situation. It was impossible to take the initiative to find Yanmeng's trouble. Then there was only one explanation.

But what makes her a little strange is that she still saw Qiu Lei here?

She had also paid attention to this guy before. Su Qi had originally planned to stay with him in Zhou Lizhen to promote her life. However, after the incident happened, Shu Qi's idea was completely ruined.

However, now that I saw it again at the Tower of Heaven, I was really surprised.

Wu Hai and others have completely panicked at the moment, not to mention the blue girl, Han Chenyang's status in the night palace is very high, only Ao Shao can compete with it.

As for their level, they are not even qualified to talk to Han Chenyang.

Not to mention that the legendary blue girl has really appeared, aren't they really over?

"Are you OK?"

Baili Hongzhuang looked at Shu Qi. At this moment, he was obviously beaten miserably, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and blood was hanging on the corners of his lips.

Shu Qi shook his head, "I'm fine."

For them now, as long as their lives are still there, the injury is nothing.

"How many of you ... represent Yan Yanmeng?"

Baili Hongzhuang's gaze fell on Long Cang and others. Since the contradiction between them has been irreconcilable, it is better to take this opportunity to make it clear.

She will see Yanmeng people again in the future.

Hearing this, several people in Canglong subconsciously shivered.

"No no no no."

Their voice trembles, what kidding?

With their status, how can they represent Yanmeng?

"We cannot represent Yanmeng."

"Yes, we can't represent it."

Ao Chen has had a very difficult time in the past few days. Ever knowing that Lan Yixuan is a real powerhouse, he has been thinking about how to make up for the problems between them.

It's just that this offense is a bit too cruel, and it's too hard to fix it.

Besides, there is a Han Chenyang in the middle, this guy will definitely not make him feel better.

Thinking about it, he thought it was better to retreat recently.

As long as he does not appear in front of the blue girl for a long time, maybe this matter will gradually be forgotten.

However, he wanted to retreat, but someone wanted to disturb him.

"Ao Shao, something happened!"

Ao Chen opened the door impatiently and looked at the people outside with a disgruntled look. "What happened?"

Now do these guys think he is not bothered enough? He came to trouble again and again.

After the man told Ao Chen the whole thing, he had an impulse to hit the wall.

Are these guys tired and crooked?

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