The next thirty floors all remember Shu Qi's name, don't look at this guy's strength, his backing is really strong.

It's no big deal to offend him, but once his backing is stimulated, then everyone can't eat and walk around.

In addition, the things of Han Chenyang and Qi Rong also appeared in the eyes of everyone.

"I heard that Qi Rong was originally a man in the Night Palace, and he had a very good relationship with Han Chenyang. In the past, everyone was regarded as a golden boy and a girl, and they were born in a pair.

Only somehow later, the relationship between the two suddenly became bad.

After that, Qi Rong left the night palace, and even went to the opponent of Yan Yanmeng. "

"I've heard of this past incident. It was really a cold sweat for Qi Rong's move. Ye Gong didn't kill her directly, which is also awesome."

"I don't think it was a decisive separation at the time? But this time Han Chenyang has not helped her. If they are back together again, it will be interesting."

When Baili Hongzhuang bought medicinal materials, he heard the talks everywhere, and there was a touch of interest in his eyes.

"It seems that Han Chenyang's pair of stories should be very interesting. It was known to everyone."

Xiaohei smiled when he heard the words, "Master, did you not notice Han Chenyang's expression when he saw Qi Rong? I might have a drama."

"If you really have feelings, you will naturally be together." Baili Hongzhuang smiled lightly, "Wait and see, I think the girl Qi Rong will go back to the night palace because of Han Chenyang."

"So casual?" Xiao Hei was a little surprised, "Ye Kung Palace is also a good strength anyway, just let them in and out casually, don't you feel ashamed?"

"It stands to reason that Qi Rong dared to leave the Night Palace and joined Yanmeng. She should have died, but since she can survive, it means that she has a certain background and ability to solve such problems.

Since it can be solved for the first time, it should not be a big problem to solve the second time. "

Baili Hongzhuang's eyes were clear, and from the appearance of Qi Rong when she appeared generous and calm, she could see that she had enough confidence.

At least, Ao Chen couldn't compare with her on this point.

Xiao Hei also immediately understood, "If that is really the case, then it will be interesting."

When Baili Hongzhuang bought medicinal herbs, the boss kept peeking at her with Yu Guang, his expression full of tension and anxiety.

Until she bought everything, put it in front of him and said: "How many spirit stones?"

"No money, no money."

The store hurriedly waved his hand, his face covered with a flattering smile.

"Blue girl, I really didn't know Taishan at first. I didn't know you were such a big man at all.

I am really bad. I like to be greedy and cheap on weekdays. I swear I will change it in the future. I also hope you can remember the villain. "

Since he knew exactly where the blue girl was, he had never slept a good night these days. It was really uncomfortable!

He was afraid that the blue girl would kill him directly.

Looking at the man's nervous appearance, Baili Hongzhuang was also helpless.

"If I remember correctly, the last time I should have said it was okay, I did not mind?"

The man smiled brightly, "These are my little cautions, you can accept the blue girl, otherwise I am really uneasy."

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