"Gong Jun, why did you make red makeup fall into samsara?"

Di Beichen turned his eyes to Gong Jun, and the deep, sea-like eyes glowed with a faint cold light, unfathomable, and made his heart tremble.

"I do not know either."

Gong Jun shook his head, his face showing doubt.

"Once the Devil Emperor fell into reincarnation, the news between God Realm and us has been blocked.

I only know that it didn't take long for the goddess to fall into reincarnation.

At first, I felt something was wrong, so I also deliberately investigated the news, but the whole God Realm sealed the news very deadly, and it was very difficult for us to find out clearly. "

Since that incident happened, the boundary between God Realm and Devil Realm has existed.

This turned them into two completely closed places, and naturally there was no way to get more information.

"Actually, things have already happened, and God Realm has brought the goddess back.

I think from their situation, the goddess should not be forced into samsara. "

Gong Jun always felt that this was a mystery, but there was something wrong with it, and he couldn't say it clearly.

Di Beichen frowned, and he felt that this matter was awkward. At first, he wanted to ask what was happening to forget Yunxianjun, but the guy refused to say that it was really helpless.

"Fuck, you will always understand."

Di Beichen sighed, and his expression was calm again.

He doesn't actually care about what happened in the past. The only thing he cares about is whether the red makeup will stay with him.

In addition, he also wanted to be angry with red makeup.

Who on earth forced red makeup into reincarnation?

Was she embarrassed by anyone when she was taken back to God Realm, and was she bullied?

These questions lingered in his mind, and he couldn't help worrying.

Even if it had been so long, even if these things happened, he could not be with Red Makeup for the first time.

At least now that he is back, he is not willing to let go of those who bullied red makeup.

"Now it has been solved a lot, we will speed up again." Di Beichen said.

When he heard that he wanted to speed up again, Gong Jun and Situ Gang and others all had a complex look in their eyes.

Their speed is already very fast.

Even knowing that after the Devil Emperor came back, dealing with these things must be resolute and popular, which is much simpler than other people.

But the speed now seems to them to be very loss-free, or even to the limit.

However, under such circumstances, to continue to speed up, it is really amazing.

"Master, our speed now ..."

"There is me." Di Beichen said.

Hearing the words, everyone suddenly fell into silence, and there was only obedience in their expressions.

With the Devil Emperor present, they are naturally invincible.

From the moment he returned, it was already the Buddha who killed the Buddha, and the **** who killed the God.

Demon Emperor's style is enough to make everyone obey.

Di Beichen's eyes flashed with a firm look, he had to solve all of them as soon as possible, and then brought the red makeup to the magic palace.

Only when she is by her side is she most at ease.

As everyone knows, Baili Hongzhuang is still trying to find a way to enter the Devil Realm, even if her current strength is to the Devil Realm, it is just the most ordinary member.

At least, she can know the news of the Devil Emperor.

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