"I know." Baili Hongzhuang nodded. "I also want to know what the realm of my strength is."

When Fang Cai and Lu Ji fought, she realized that this person's strength was stronger than that of any person she saw after she came to the main city of Zhouli.

However, such strength did not put too much pressure on her.

There must be stronger cultivators at the top, but these cultivators will certainly cherish their feathers, and it is absolutely impossible to come out for a small thing.

She believes that although this immortality medicine has a certain appeal, it is impossible to attract all these strong people.

"Can Lu Ji follow others?" Baili Hongzhuang asked.

This issue is clearly the key to the matter.

Han Chenyang naturally understood the meaning of Baili Hongzhuang and could not help turning his attention to Hongtuo.

Hongtuo thought for a moment and shook his head, "It seems not."

Lu Ji's own strength is enough to defy the heroes. Such a strong man, the cultivators who follow him on weekdays do not know how many.

It is almost impossible to let such a strong man follow.

"That's all right." Baili Hongzhuang smiled slightly, already relieved.

Hong Tuo couldn't help but sigh, and his heart was a little funny.

In fact, Baili Hongzhuang is right. Her strength is here. If Lu Ji is really stronger than her, then there is no way.

But since Lu Ji is not as strong as her, she doesn't need to worry too much.

Thinking of this, Hongtuo looked at Bailihong makeup for a moment, his expression slightly complicated.

Paying attention to his gaze, Baili Hongzhuang's eyes could not help but show a hint of doubt.

"what happened?"

Hongtuo thought for a moment, and suddenly said: "Lu Ji is not as powerful as you?"

Baili Hongzhuang nodded slightly, "I am indeed better than him."

"In this tower of the sky, the dwellings were originally ranked according to their strength. Since your strength is stronger than him, you can try to squeeze him down and enter the 91st floor yourself!"

Hongtuo's eyes lit up, but I thought it was a good method.

In this day's tower, the stronger the strength and the higher the floor, the more things you can touch.

This ninety layer is already very high in the eyes of many practitioners, but it is clear to them that this top strongman is really powerful.

As long as we can go further, it will be a wider world.

However, his own cultivation card has been stagnant for a long time here, it is too difficult to improve.

He has been staying here for a long time, and has lived on the 90th floor for many years.

Although he was also reluctant to admit it, he had to say that he also knew that he wanted to improve further. The possibility was already very small.

Over the years, the ninety-story cultivators have hardly changed. Those who want to enter the ninety-first tier do not know how many, but there is no real success.

The reason why Lu Ji is so famous in their eyes is that they have lived on the 90th floor before. This is the only one they have seen on the 91st floor in recent years. How can they not be envied?

However, after seeing Baili Hongzhuang at this moment, a thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

They really have no chance, but Baili Hongzhuang can!

Han Chenyang's eyes became complicated, and he looked at Baili Hongzhuang in surprise. What happened today made him realize that he really underestimated Bailihongzhuang.

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