Baili Hongzhuang did not delay after making the decision, and after a little tidying, she walked out of the Tower of Heaven.

I haven't been out for so long, and when I came to the lively street again, Baili Hongzhuang and Xiaohei felt sighed.

"It's actually good to stay at the Tower of Heaven all day, this one comes out and feels like two worlds!"

Xiao Hei looked at the surrounding environment with exclamation. The Tower of Heaven is undoubtedly the most spectacular existence among the many buildings around here.

However, other buildings are also quite unique, which can be described as another scenery.

After this man came out of the Tower of Heaven, he was undoubtedly very strange to the surrounding environment.

The buildings here are actually very tall, with 20 to 30 floors abound, only the 99th floor of the Tower of Sky is the tallest.

In other words, any building here may be an entrenched force. It is better not to come close at will until you have not figured out the situation.

If you get into trouble that you shouldn't, it is undoubtedly that you are looking for trouble.

Before departure, Baili Hongzhuang had asked Han Chenyang, who had also clearly told her the location of Tianji Building.

As long as you walk in this direction, you can find the Tianji Building.

Just when Baili Hongzhuang left Tianji Building, Lu Ji and the two had received the news for the first time.

"Lan Yixuan went out?"

When Lu Ji heard the news, he was inevitably a little unbelievable. Since this woman came to the Tower of Heaven, she has never been out for so long.

It is for this reason that both of them are very difficult to find opportunities to make them unhappy.

After all, in this tower of the sky, the two of them are inconvenient to start in person.

Lei Qi nodded, "I have been sending people outside the movement of the activists, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it."

"That's really great!"

Lu Ji's eyes lit up, and now they finally found an opportunity.

"If we don't take action anymore, I'm afraid our seniors should have opinions on us.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to solve the trouble, we can also make a difference. "

Lei Qi breathed a sigh of relief. The two of them really lived in the past few days. It was inconvenient for them to make their own shots. It took a little more effort to buy the 90-story practitioners.

The most important thing is that these guys are not as good as Lan Yixuan. Even if they go to trouble, it is just a counter-teaching.

Baili Hongzhuang walked on the street, but did not rush to Tianjilou.

Since it is difficult to come by, it is also very good to watch the scenery of the demon domain.

I have to say that this place is very different from the fairyland, and there are different scenery everywhere, which makes people shine.

"Master, the smell from there is delicious!"

Xiao Hei was sitting on the shoulders of her master, shaking her feet happily, and suddenly smelled an appetizing scent, her eyes suddenly brightened.

Baili Hongzhuang also smelled this scent, and there was a look of interest in her eyes.

"Let's go and see?"

"Okay!" Xiao Hei nodded excitedly.

They actually have a lot of food to eat at the Tower of Heaven, but the master spends most of his time on cultivation on weekdays, and naturally forgets this matter.

Now that this one comes out, it naturally feels different.

Baili Hongzhuang slowly walked forward, only to find that a long line was standing in front of a restaurant.

"The taste of the crab dumplings here is really good. I really can't forget it after eating it once!"

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