Hearing, Ji Zimo glanced at each other, but he was helpless.

This girl's strength is indeed really strong, but this is not a joke!

Looking at the posture of both sides, if they refuse to leave, I am afraid that they will not be good today.

However, the girl refused to leave, and neither of them had reason to leave.

Can only continue to fight hard!

After Baili Hongzhuang shot all the opponents, he unexpectedly found that in addition to Qiu Peng, there was one person whose strength also reached the peak of Jiupin.

In this small team, there are actually two strong players with nine peaks that really exceeded her expectations.

Even if the masters of the main city of Zhouli are like a cloud, two of the nine peaks appear in these seven people, and even they are still practitioners of the top nine peaks, which is really surprising!

"This guy is really difficult to deal with."

Qiu Peng clutched his injured chest, only to feel that the internal organs were about to shift.

Rao is based on his physical fitness, which is also unbearable.

"Her strength is not simple, stronger than us." Another humane.

"Master, these guys have something wrong ..."

Xiaohe also realized that something was wrong, it wasn't just a chance encounter, the most important thing was that it didn't even think the two guys were like the Qiu family.

They really don't understand the style of the big forces.

A guy with seven or eight ranks may still have this good status elsewhere, but in the main city of Li, it is almost the same as the bottom.

When have you heard of a family's arrogance to help out a bottom waste?

Even if the two grew up together since childhood, they have long been distinguished by their different status in the family.

In any case, I don't see the need to ask a friend to do this, and I always feel a little tired.

"I also know."

Baili Hongzhuang understands Xiaohei's guess. In fact, she also feels the same way. She only feels that things are not so simple.

But the most important thing at the moment is to solve the battle in front of you first.

After figuring out the strength of the other party, Baili Hongzhuang is no longer polite, and the fighting power has fully exploded!

She is not just a cultivator of Jiu Pin Pinnacle +, even a cultivator of Jiu Pin ++ may not be her opponent!

At the next moment, in the horrified eyes of everyone, Baili Hongzhuang suddenly exploded into an amazing fighting power.

Ji Zimo and the two were still thinking about how to retreat from the body, but they suddenly realized that the girl had become very powerful.

The sudden outbreak of combat power exceeded everyone's expectations. Almost no one understood what was going on, and found that the girl's combat power was more than one grade stronger than before.

Qiu Peng and others were obviously completely shocked by the girl's fighting power.

I thought it was strong enough. I never imagined that this is not the real strength of this girl. The real strength is stronger!

"Damn, not an opponent!"

Qiu Peng's face changed, and they thought they would fight together, and it would certainly not be a problem to deal with her.

I always thought that this was already an overestimation of her, but I didn't expect to find out that the overestimation I thought was still underestimated.

The girl's true strength is stronger than they expected!

When the real strength of Baili Hongzhuang came out, everyone was completely dumbfounded.

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