Baili Hongzhuang and Ji Zimo walked all the way to the front. Her destination was originally Tianji Building, and it happened that this route also went to Tianji Building.

Along the way, the two introduced her to the situation in the past four weeks with great enthusiasm, so that she did not understand the situation, but she also got a little more understanding.

"This is the Kang family's influence. The Kang family actually has a certain influence in the main city of Lizhou ..."

Baili Hongzhuang was a little surprised when Ji Zimo kept talking about the surrounding forces and their characteristics.

These contents sound like no big deal, but even a person who has lived in the main city of Lizhou for a long time can't understand this situation so much, which is really surprising.

Regardless of this, this alone is already an ability.

Soon, Baili Hongzhuang had already seen the Tianji Building introduced by Han Chenyang.

Ji Zimo also noticed the eyes of Baili Hongzhuang and couldn't help saying: "Tianji Building is a very special existence in our main city of Lizhou, here is for selling news.

All kinds of news can be bought here as long as you can afford the price.

However, this price is also extremely high. "

Baili Hongzhuang's lips are slightly hooked, looking at the majestic and mysterious buildings in front of her eyes, her eyes are full of interest.

"My destination has arrived."

Hearing the words, Ji Zimo could not help but stunned, looked at Baili Hongzhuang in surprise.

"Girl, where are you going?"

Baili Hongzhuang first tapped, "It happens to be a little puzzled in my heart, I want to try here to find out if I can find the answer."

"Blue Girl, the news of Tianjilou is still very accurate. You should be able to find the answer here." Another man smiled, his expression faintly faint.

Ji Zimo didn't reply immediately, but looked at Bailihong makeup for a moment, and a conjecture came to mind.

"Miss Blue, wouldn't you ask that question?"

Baili Hongzhuang's eyes turned slightly, and the smile on the corners of her lips gradually deepened, "You guessed it."

Ji Zimo's expression suddenly turned into helplessness, "I'm afraid there is no place for you to answer this question ..."

"Even if it can really give you the answer, the price may be very alarming."

"How do you know if you don't try?"

Baili Hongzhuang spread her hands, and there was a hint of joke in her expression.

She also wanted to see if this Tianji Building really had such a capability, even if it didn't, it would be fine.

"Two, leave now."

"Blue girl, there will be a future." Ji Zimo smiled.

Baili Hongzhuang noticed the self-confidence contained in Ji Zimo's smile, and there was a doubt in his heart.

Why do you see the feeling of expecting everything from this smile?


Tianji Building.

When Baili Hongzhuang walked into Tianji Building, the first feeling was empty.

The first floor was empty, and I couldn't even see the figure. In such a big hall, she was the only one, and it seemed a little weird.

"Master, why is there no one here?"

Xiao Hei looked at the surrounding environment, and originally thought that this big business place should be received by someone soon.

Unexpectedly, this situation was diametrically opposite, let alone a warm reception, and even the personal image could not be seen, which was far from the imagination.

"Isn't this a prophet who knows that we can't answer the questions we asked, can't we just accept it?" Xiaohe couldn't help it.

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