Listening to what the other party said, Baili Hongzhuang's eyes also showed a touch of interest.

"So, does Tianjilou really know the answer?"

She came to Tianji Building to ask this question, in fact, she just had a try attitude. After all, such a secret, even a person who really knew it, could not say it.

However, the other party's attitude is clear that they know the answer!

"I said, there is nothing we don't know about our Tianji Building.

As long as you want to know, we all have answers, but it depends on whether you can afford it. "

Baili Hongzhuang's lip corners are slightly ticked, "Since your Tianji Building is so powerful, you should also know who I am."

"Blue girl, long-cherished name."

There was a hint of laughter in the man's voice, more of a certainty, apparently knowing her identity before she came in.

"Now that you know my identity, this is easy to talk about."

Baili Hongzhuang slightly raised her eyebrows, her eyes were stained with a serious color.

"What do you think I have that you can watch?"

Such a big secret is definitely not something ordinary can get in return.

For others, there are many interesting things in her body, and this Danfang is the most attractive.

However, in the face of behemoths like Tianji Tower, this thing may not be useful.

Speaking carefully, there are not many things she can bring out.

"The Blue Girl is now the most popular figure in the Tower of Heaven. Rumor has it that you are the most likely person to enter the last nine floors. See you today. It really deserves its name.

Facing such praise, Baili Hongzhuang looked extremely calm.

The preceding paragraph is not important at all. What is important is what follows this paragraph.

"It's just that with such a big secret, many top strongmen have come to Tianji Tower, but everyone is disappointed and returns.

Because, no one can come up with what you want to correspond to. "

"I think Blue Girl should be no exception."

The man's voice contained a slight smile, and even a hint of arrogance.

In this world, there are so many people who want to know this secret, but apart from some special people, no one can know at all.

"So say ... I'm here in vain?"

Baili Hongzhuang is not surprised by this answer, but she is more curious about another point.

"Since I know I won't get an answer, why not just let me leave and come here again?"

She had already guessed the answer when she saw the strange expression on the first floor.

It stands to reason that at that time she could already be allowed to leave directly. There is really no need for her to come again, which is a complete waste of time.

"Because you are different." Men said.

"Oh?" Baili Hongzhuang showed interest, "I really don't know how I am different?"

"Because someone wants to see you."

Baili Hongzhuang's clear eyes reveal the color of contemplation. She doesn't know anyone in Tianjilou. Why would anyone want to see her?

"Who wants to see me?"

Just after she finished saying this, a squeaky door-opening sounded, and after the screen there was one more person, and the original person left.

Seeing this scene, Baili Hongzhuang was even more puzzled.

Judging from this situation, this latter person seems to have a higher status than the previous one?

This is interesting ...

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