Baili Hongzhuang's expression calmly analyzed that she had thought about this issue carefully, and there should be no other situations besides these two situations.

"What about the second kind?" Han Chenyang asked curiously.

"The second kind is what others have told him to do. He is just a striker, and he takes orders completely from each other."

With the words of Baili Hongzhuang falling, Han Chenyang and Hongtuo also fell into thought.

"Yixuan, what kind do you think?" Hong Tuo said in a deep voice, "of the two, I think the latter is more likely."

Bailihongzhuang tapped, "I think so too."

When Lu Ji was rescued from the other party's sudden shot, it was enough to see that this person was stronger and must be in a leading position when dealing with Lu Ji.

Han Chenyang saw Baili's red makeup clearly analyzing all this, and his eyes were full of admiration.

He was also worried that Miss Lan only encountered such a problem and felt that it was very complicated. Maybe she didn't even think about it at all. She didn't expect that she had seen this problem very thoroughly.

You don't need his help at all!

Make him worry about nothing!


The next day, Han Chenyang waited expectantly for Baili Hongzhuang to challenge Lu Ji on the 91st floor, but found that the latter seemed like nothing had happened, as usual.

Upon seeing this, he couldn't help wondering: "I had such a big loss yesterday, so I don't want to take revenge today?"

Anyone who feels like this can't swallow it, especially a strong man like Blue Girl, who should be even more intolerable.

"Don't worry." Baili Hongzhuang smiled. "I'm still waiting for a news."

She needs to know the situation clearly enough before she starts, and it is not too late to do it until then.

Han Chenyang looked at Baili Hongzhuang doubtfully. She didn't know what she was going to wait for. She only felt that the gods were mysterious and secret.

"Oh, Blue Girl, did you get the answer you wanted in Tianji Building yesterday?"

A smile appeared on Han Chenyang's face, a little teasing.

"How important is the news I asked? How can I tell you?"

"You ask this question, you don't have to think about it to know that it will definitely not succeed." Han Chenyang took his face for granted, "I think you should have eaten it in camera?"

He has heard of this kind of thing before. After all, there are not many people who want to be whimsical, and want to take this opportunity to get an answer.

And this final result has already been well known to everyone, and was rushed out of the Tianji Building directly. I didn't get a lot of news. Instead, he was joked.

He had already told Blue Girl about this possibility, but it seemed that Blue Girl was very persistent about it and had no intention of giving up.

"I didn't eat the soup behind closed doors." Baili Hongzhuang said.

"Hurt, we are all so familiar, and I don't have to die in front of me for this senseless face."

Han Chenyang smiled and waved his hand, and a pair of people confirmed this.

Baili Hongzhuang looked at him helplessly, "To be honest, you don't believe it. I didn't eat the soup behind closed doors. I also entered the ninth floor of Tianji Building."

Han Chenyang froze for a moment, looking at Bailihong makeup with no joke in front of him.

"Are you serious?"

In fact, since he knew Blue Girl, he discovered that this girl never seemed to be joking at all.

This was the case when I went to the Elixir of Medicine. She didn't make jokes at all, but she always thought she was joking. She didn't expect that he was the one who made the big joke in the end ...

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