Beichen worried that the four princes would be noticed after taking her, and it might send someone to start her.

For safety reasons, this allowed her to stay in Xianyu.

But if she enters the demon world as a demon cultivator, no one will notice her existence at all, nor will she doubt anything.

In this way, she can also understand the situation of Devil Realm, closer to Beichen, undoubtedly the best.

Listening to the question of Baili Hongzhuang, Jizi Mo groaned, but it was not too unexpected.

"Just go to the 99th floor?"

Baili Hongzhuang looked at Ji Zimo and intuitively told her that things were not that simple.

If you can enter the Demon Realm through the enchantment as long as you enter the ninety-ninth floor, then all the practitioners on the ninety-ninth floor of the Sky Tower should have already ascended?

I always feel that if things are really so simple, I am afraid that the upstairs has already been in chaos.

"It's not that simple." Jizi Modao said.

"How is that?"

"Since Blue Girl has so much understanding of Demon Realm, she should also know that Demon Realm and Demon Realm have already made contact?"

Baili Hongzhuang's head lightly said, "I know, so you mean someone in the devil is responsible for this?"

"Good." Jizi Moying said, "In fact, it can't be said that the Devil Realm is specifically responsible, because the situation of the Devil Realm is very complicated now, and there is no time to take care of us. decided."


Baili Hongzhuang slightly raised her eyebrows, revealing her interest, and did not know what the selection criteria were.

"In fact, there are many forces in the demon domain. Some of the top strengths have sent a person to the Devil Realm before, and the Demon Realm has accepted their existence.

How big is the gap between us and Demon Realm, you must be very clear, so these people actually have nothing to do after they go to Demon Realm, only because the war between Demon Realm and Immortal Realm is about to happen, Demon Realm will allow our people Go to. "

"So, this battle can be regarded as the command of the Devil Realm?" Baili Hongzhuang said.


"Now some borders have fought against Xianyu, but the battle has not yet erupted in full.

Because the stronger forces have already sent people, these places will naturally disappear. "

Baili Hongzhuang frowned slightly, "According to your opinion, there is no chance to enter the Devil Realm at this time?"

"That's not true." Ji Zimo shook his head. "After a while, there is a chance, and a small number of practitioners will have a chance to enter the devil."

"What kind of opportunity?"

"In addition to the ninety-nine floors of the Sky Tower, who are strong enough and have high status, there is a way."

Ji Zimo said that his expression became very complicated.

"Some cultivators with ancient heritage have a token in the devil world in their hands.

But anyone who possesses this token can enter the demon world, and these people can also be sheltered in the demon world. "

Hearing, Baili Hongzhuang's eyes were filled with surprise, "Is there such a saying?"

"The ancestors of these people should have stayed in the Devil Realm, and this token is also for the protection of future generations. The person who has the token is like the son of the heavenly choice, the object of everyone's envy."

"It is indeed." Baili Hongzhuang nodded. "But I can only pass the first method."

She is not even a demon domain, how could she have such a token?

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