Looking at Han Chenyang's sighing face, Baili Hongzhuang shook her head helplessly, and smiled dumbly.

"Blue girl, I want to ask you another question now, and hope you can answer my doubts."

Han Chenyang's expression was full of frustration, and he asked again unwillingly.

Hearing, Baili Hongzhuang gave him a puzzled look and said, "What's the problem?"

"Do you really know someone from Demon Realm? Didn't you lie to me?"

He was just out of trust in Baili Hongzhuang, so he chose to believe, but it was indeed believed, but I felt a little incredible.

Now that Blue Girl has joined hands with the people in Tianjilou, he just wants to figure out the situation.

However, without waiting for Bailihongzhuang to answer, he added: "I am not doubting you, but I have never seen such a mood, and I am curious."

"I promise that I will never tell anyone about this except myself, I swear!"

Han Chenyang's expression is sincere. In fact, he has been with Baili Hongzhuang for so long, and he is really a friend.

The two sides have no conflicts of interest at all. On the contrary, they have a very good impression of each other. Being friends is the best.

After having a chat with Ji Zimo, Baili Hongzhuang, the situation that was originally unclear is also clear.

In fact, even if she told other people in the demon domain, other people would only look at her a little higher, and would not want to harm her because of this.

Because the situation of Demon Realm is a mystery for many practitioners of Demon Realm. Everyone is very curious and a little awesome.

Therefore, no one will deliberately offend the devil world at this time, it is entirely for their own trouble.

The next second, Baili Hongzhuang directly took a piece of spirit stone and placed it on the table.

"Do you know this?"

Although it is doubtful, Baili Hongzhuang has already guessed this.

As the young master of Tianji Tower, Ji Zimo is no stranger to this situation, and Han Chenyang, as the young master of the broken soul, will naturally have seen it.

After Han Chenyang's eyes fell on that piece of spirit stone, he couldn't immediately open his eyes. "Isn't this the spirit stone of the demon world?"

He raised his head in wonder, looking at Baili Hongzhuang excitedly.

"In this way, you really know the people of Devil Realm!"

"We have already talked about this, and naturally there is no need to lie to you."

Baili Hongzhuang smiled slightly and was about to take back the spirit stone. He suddenly found that Han Chenyang's eyes had been fixed on the spirit stone and refused to divert. His eyes were obvious, but he was a bit puzzled.

"Why look at it with such eyes, you should have a lot."

"A lot?"

Han Chenyang looked at Baili Hongzhuang in surprise, "What are you saying, I don't know what human suffering is!"

Baili Hongzhuang: "??? What do you mean?"

"Although we have seen this spirit stone, we still have very few."

"You also know that we did send people to the Demon Realm, but our strength is too weak, and there is no influence at all in the Demon Realm. More functions are just a microphone.

As for this spirit stone, we have only received a little before, and it is not used at all.

Coupled with the fact that this enchantment is not always open, we naturally cannot get it. "

Han Chenyang sighed, blaming them for their weakness.

Even if the strongest cultivator is sent, there is still the bottom of the ground when you get there.

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