It is indeed a very uncomfortable thing to lose face in front of so many people.

Whether he participates or not, this is already doomed, but there is hope in life. If he loses his life like this, it is really not worth it.

Hearing, Lu Ji looked at Lei Qi with a complex face, "Did you not hear what Qing Ling said just now?

We are just a chess piece he cultivated from beginning to end, and can be discarded at any time. Do we still have to follow him? "

Lei Qi looked at the Ji Ji incredulously, "Do you mean?"

"Anyway, after this time, I am already a waste chess, so why do I still cling here?"

Lu Ji laughed at himself, and a cold color flashed deep in his eyes.


Ninety floors.

"Blue girl, I broke through!"

A joyful voice rang, and I saw Han Chen anode rushed into Baili Hongzhuang's house with joy.

"Blue girl, the spirit stone you sent me is really easy to use!"

Han Chenyang's face was covered with a smile at the moment. He had been stuck here for a long time. It was always difficult to break through, and it was always a little worse, which was very sad.

Until this piece of spirit has become the key to breaking the bottleneck!

He had already used this spirit stone at the beginning, and he was very clear about the effect of this spirit stone, but now he only feels it is true after using it.

The spirit stone of the demon world is too great for their help!

"If it weren't for this spirit stone, I ..."

When Han Chenyang walked in, his mouth was still chattering about his joy, but when he saw the scene in front of him, his words seemed to be stuck, and he couldn't speak anymore.

In sight, Baili Hongzhuang was also practicing, and the spirit stone placed beside her just blinded his eyes.

"Let me count, one two three four five six seven eight ninety ... twenty ... thirty ... forty ..."

Han Chenyang stared blankly at Baili Hongzhuang surrounded by Lingshi. He didn't know what to say to express his emotions.

The blue girl just gave him a spirit stone, and he was already happy like this.

However, she even practiced in such a luxurious environment!

There is no harm without comparison!

In contrast, he felt as if he had never seen anyone in the world!

The young master, who has broken his soul, has suddenly become a person who has never seen the world before her. What kind of psychological gap is this?

Baili Hongzhuang, who listened to Han Chenyang's voice, withdrew from his cultivation state. At first glance, he saw his stunned appearance. After a slight guess, he understood what he was thinking.

Because the last time I found out that Qing Ling's cultivation performance was not low, the confrontation between the two will soon begin, plus the desire to enter the Devil Realm requires sufficient strength.

If you think about it carefully, if you defeat Qingling in the face of so many people, it will undoubtedly be an opportunity to make your reputation even louder.

The time for Qingling to come to the Tower of Heaven is not short. Many people already know him and how powerful he is.

This is the best stepping stone.

Therefore, she urgently needs to improve her strength.

"Blue girl, how many spirit stones are you?"

Han Chenyang doesn't know what to say at this moment to express his mood, this gap is really too big!

To be able to take out so many spiritual stones for cultivation at one time, how much does she have to herself?

Definitely more than these!

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