Qingling has not appeared in front of everyone for a long time, and has never shown his strength, so everyone is not very clear about his specific strength.

However, Ji Zimo roughly calculated based on the speed of Qingling's strength improvement over the years, I am afraid that there is a strength of Nine Pins Peak +++.

If there is no accident, this is the highest strength he can reach now.

It's just that even Ji Zimo said that Qingling was a very evil person. Since he appeared, the speed of promotion has been very fast.

When he first came to the main city of Zhouli, he didn't know any people, but his speed of improvement in the Tower of Sky was very fast. When he came, he was a great figure.

Hearing the problem of Baili Hongzhuang, Lu Ji's eyes showed a hopeful light.

"Blue girl willing to give me a chance?"

"You answer me first and see your sincerity." Baili Hongzhuang said.

Han Chenyang looked at the reaction of Baili Hongzhuang, thinking only if she would agree?

Maybe just temptation?

Thinking of this, he didn't intervene. After all, he was really curious about Qingling's current practice.

"I don't know his specific strength." Lu Ji was a little embarrassed.

As soon as this remark came out, Han Chenyang couldn't help but roll his eyes, "Are you really sincere? Don't even know the news, you dare to come and talk about the conditions?

You do n’t think about your situation now, what are your qualifications to talk about the conditions? "

Lu Ji stayed, seeing that there was a lot of impatience in the look of Baili Hongzhuang, he couldn't help being anxious.

"Blue girl, listen to me.

Qingling is usually a closed-door practice, and has not shot for a long time, but once I heard him mention this matter, it should be the strength of Jiupin Peak +++. "

Lu Ji's expression was serious, "All I said is true."

Baili Hongzhuang heard this same answer as Ji Zimo, but also understood that Lu Ji did not deceive her.

"You wanted to kill me before, you know it yourself.

If you can't get enough useful news, then it doesn't make much sense to say that. "

Baili Hongzhuang put his hands around his chest and leaned on the back of the chair. His posture was lazy and casual, obviously he would not be easily persuaded.

Lu Ji was also thinking hard about what else he could use as a condition, but his best hole card was directly seen through Baili Hongzhuang, which was really dazed for a while.

"Qing Ling is lustful, he hooked up with a strong lady of the higher level." Lu Ji said.

Baili Hongzhuang and Han Chenyang glanced at each other, but did not expect to hear such unexpected news.

"Do you mean to kill someone with a knife?" Han Chenyang said doubtfully.

"I don't need to borrow a knife to kill someone." Baili Hongzhuang confided with confidence in his eyes, "I can solve him directly."

Han Chenyang couldn't help looking at her admiringly when he heard Qingling's real strength, he was surprised.

This kind of strength is a powerful one in the entire Sky Tower.

He thought that Blue Girl had only the strength of Jiu Pin Pin ++, which was already very remarkable, but now it seems that he still underestimates Mu Girl ...

Lu Ji was also stunned, only to realize that Baili Hongzhuang didn't even put Qing Ling in his eyes.

How terrible is this woman's strength?

"Since your strength is so strong, why would Qingling send me before?"

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