"You can rest assured, absolutely not!"

Han Chenyang patted his chest and promised, "Do you think I look like someone who can leak the wind?"

"As long as it will not be bought back."

Baili Hongzhuang stared at him with a ridicule in his smile.

Now that she can learn about Qingling from Lu Ji's mouth, Qingling will naturally also want to know the news from the population around her.

Among them, Han Chenyang is undoubtedly the best candidate.

However, Han Chenyang and Lu Ji are different. Although Lu Ji is the peak of Jiu Pin, he does not have a strong background in himself. It can be said that Qing Ling is his backer.

Qingling can't believe it now. It is undoubtedly simpler for her to understand the news from her mouth.

Han Chenyang is different. The young master who has broken his soul is not so easy to move.

After all, Qingling can give him very little.

Han Chenyang naturally understands the meaning of Baili Hongzhuang, and can't help saying: "You can rest assured, Qingling will never be able to persuade me no matter what.

But how can we be so desperate to be persuaded by a Qingling?

impossible! You look down upon me! "

Seeing that Han Chenyang was insulted very anxiously, Baili Hongzhuang couldn't help but feel a little funny.

"I just remind you that he might find a way to deal with you, why are you so excited?"

"How can I not be excited?"

Han Chenyang walked to Baili Hongzhuang and sat down, his expression filled with anxiety.

"You doubt me!"

"Okay, I don't doubt you."

Baili Hongzhuang waved her hand, a little playful in her expression.

"Now I want to know whether Jin Zilan will come with them. If they come, it will be better.

If it doesn't come, then things will undoubtedly be in trouble, and you have to find another opportunity. "

"I think you are so lucky that you should not miss it." Han Chenyang said.

"hope so."

In a blink of an eye, the day of the banquet has arrived.

Baili Hongzhuang was originally curious about where this banquet would be held. Later, he learned that the other party had directly contracted a restaurant not far from the Sky Tower. This dinner was held here.

Hongtuo had already made an appointment with Baili Hongzhuang before. After about this time, the two would join together and head to the restaurant.

Today's banquet is hosted by Peng Jinglun, which Hong Tuo has already introduced to her.

Han Chenyang will naturally not miss this opportunity, so when he saw Baili Hongzhuang set off, they immediately followed.

Hongtuo was not surprised by this. Anyway, the two of them went together, and it would be normal for someone to walk together.

"The identity of the people who are eligible to attend the banquet today is not simple. After that, you'd better be cautious and careful not to offend people easily, so as not to cause trouble."

"I know."

Baili Hongzhuang smiled slightly, and Hongtuo had already told her about it before.

After all, the top powerhouses invite all top powerhouses, and it is definitely not bad.

It's just ... she was thinking of looking for trouble today.

Of course, she didn't want to destroy the other party's banquet, just to sprinkle this kind of thing.

It only takes a little time to wait for things to ferment, and I believe this gaffe will develop as she thought.

Hongtuo didn't know the idea of ​​Bailihongzhuang, they just wanted to be a middleman, and it wouldn't hurt everyone to make more friends.

Soon, the three arrived at the restaurant.

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