"Jinglun, I don't mean that."

After Jin Zilan realized Peng Jinglun's displeasure, her pretty face also became serious.

"We have known each other for so many years, should you understand?"

"It doesn't hold water, and now it's time to talk about friendship."

Han Chenyang rolled his eyes. No matter from which point of view, Jin Zilan's approach was very wrong.

Peng Jinglun frowned slightly, and the time he met with Jin Zilan was indeed not short, but the friendship between the two was not because of her, but because of her husband.

If this is not the case, her arrogant temperament, I am afraid that many people will not be too patient.

Lan Yixuan didn't say anything from beginning to end, but she was looking for troubles one after another, not even the predecessor's gesture.

"In this case, today is a festive day. I am very satisfied with the gift sent by the Blue Girl. At first glance, it took a lot of thought. There is really no need to worry about this."

Baili Hongzhuang originally saw that Peng Jinglun had doubts about this immortality medicine, but his impression of him dropped by a few points.

Because, if you question in front of so many people, it is undoubtedly that she does not care about her face at all.

Such a person cannot naturally be called a friend.

But his behavior is different now, at least it proves that he has great respect for himself.

Jin Zilan naturally knows that Peng Jinglun's words are already warning. If she continues to be so persevering, she will be the one who will not come to Taiwan.

Qingling looked at the development of this situation somewhat beyond expectations, and looked at Baili Hongzhuang with a little more complicated look.

I thought that putting Lan Yixuan and Jin Zilan together, no matter in terms of influence or friendship, everyone would stand on Jin Zilan's side, and things would go very smoothly.

It seems that he underestimated the influence of Baili Hongzhuang.

Obviously this is the first time Peng Jinglun has been seen, so that Peng Jinglun can treat her in such an attitude, which is enough to prove that she values ​​her.

Baili Hongzhuang's mild eyes also fell on Qingling's body, and even a slight smile appeared on the corners of her lips. She couldn't see any bit of hostility at all.

However, only the two of them can understand the deep meaning.

Qingling also exposed this matter from beginning to end, making people see no sign of Baili red makeup.

"Yixuan, it seems that this girl Jin is very unfriendly to you."

Hongtuo's eyes are full of worry. The reason why she came here today is to let her know more people and form a good relationship.

Unexpectedly, the good fate has not been concluded yet, but the enemy has established it.

Looking at how he worried about himself, Baili Hongzhuang smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry about me, I have a different stance from her, and I am destined to be an opponent."

With Qingling in the middle, even if they did not directly break out of conflict today, sooner or later they will break out.

What's more, Jin Zilan sent such a gift to her, and she also prepared a gift for Jin Zilan. The two people can be said to have contacts, and they should have.

Hong Tuo didn't know the meaning of Baili Hongzhuang, only when the two were originally commendable beauties, and now they are together, it is inevitable that there will be a contest.

If you think about it carefully, this is indeed inevitable and not surprising.

Everyone saw that the excitement ended like this, and couldn't help but feel sorry for missing a good opportunity.

Baili Hongzhuang started to find the goal he was looking for.

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