"How do you know he looks down on me?"

There was a trace of dissatisfaction in the look of Baili Hongzhuang, as if he really took a fancy to Qingling.

"I heard that Senior Qingling doesn't have any girls around now ..."

As he was saying, Baili Hongzhuang's gaze suddenly fell on the sachet on Jin Zilan's waist, and his eyes could not help but show the color of doubt.

"The pattern on your sachet ..."

Jin Zilan also subconsciously looked at the sachet around her waist, embroidered with purple orchids.

"I saw that Senior Qingling also had one before?"

Baili Hongzhuang thought about it carefully, and waited until she wanted to understand it and said again: "It must have been dazzled by me, how could this pattern and stitch look so similar?"

Jin Zilan's lips curled up subconsciously, and she made a sachet for Qingling before.

This guy has been with him since then, but it was rarely seen.

I didn't expect this girl to have seen it. So, did she really stare at Qingling?

"Anyway, if you have no hope, don't bother!" Jin Zilan said proudly.

Baili Hongzhuang looks like he doesn't believe it, as if he didn't take it seriously.

"That's my business, I don't have to worry about girl Jin.

If Miss Jin had nothing else, I would say goodbye. "

When the words fell, Baili Hongzhuang left unpleasantly.

Jin Zilan looked at the woman's back, and she knew in her heart that the girl must have been angry.

"Fight me? Are you worthy too!"

Jin Zilan sneered. Above the 90th floor, most of them are very old guys. There are too few handsome people like Qingling.

Not only is she strong, but willing to pay attention to her, she really wants people to dislike it.

How does this new girl compare with her?

Until Jin Zilan left, a figure came out from behind.

Huan Ling squeezed the sachet in his hand with a pale face, which was embroidered with a purple orchid.

Because this purple orchid has a similar name to Jin Zilan, it has always been his wife's favorite flower, and it is also regarded as his own symbol.

Many small objects will be embroidered with a purple orchid on purpose, and this sachet in his hand, after he picked it up, thought it was his own wife.

It's just that the size and totem of this sachet doesn't seem to be used by women, but more like men, which makes him wonder.

Who wants to hear such a speech after coming here, it seems to be dissatisfied with Baili Hongzhuang, but the good ones will not say this kind of words, so there is only one reason.

When Baili Hongzhuang returned to the restaurant, Han Chenyang had already returned.

The two looked at each other, and there was a smile all over their eyes.

Not to mention, they achieved this goal today.

"We just need to pull a thread, and then wait for things to ferment."

Baili Hongzhuang's lips were slightly raised, only then she already knew that Huanling was eavesdropping behind. She specifically asked Xiaohei to notify Han Chenyang to bring people in, but Jin Zilan was not as powerful as Huanling and did not notice That's it.

After coming to the front, Huan Ling noticed that Qingling was not far away. He didn't come forward in person, but instead asked the waiter to return the thing to Qingling.

"Son, your sachet is gone."

The waiter pretended to pick up the sachet from the ground and handed it to Qingling.

Qingling was also a little surprised when he saw it. He quickly took the sachet and said, "Thank you."

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