Listening to Baili Hongzhuang's words, Xiaohei's previous excitement also faded a bit.

"This matter has not been heard by Ji Zimo and Han Chenyang, but each force must have talents that it can recommend, so it depends on which side is the problem."

Xiaohei looked at Baili Hongzhuang. It stands to reason that their relationship with Ji Zimo and Han Chenyang is undoubtedly better.

They and Peng Jinglun had only met each other. Han Chenyang naturally didn't have to say much. Even Ji Zimo had seen it several times, and both sides showed enough sincerity.

"In my opinion, this Peng Jinglun should be the remedy for wanting me."

Baili Hongzhuang's lips and corners are slightly ticked. He has checked the medicine he has sent. Naturally, he has already understood the effect of this medicine and realized how valuable this medicine is.

It's just that the elixir she made out can't be copied by the demon cultivators.

Therefore, he had no way to come up with such a trick.

If what Peng Jinglun said is true, then as long as she can enter the demon world, she will naturally not care about these two kinds of prescriptions.

If she just wanted to deceive Danfang from her hands and give her a sincere guarantee, she would not be a fool.

"Actually, I think it should be the latter."

Baili Hongzhuang's eyes are clear and wise, this kind of pie in the sky must be unbelievable.

As long as you think about it, you can find some of them.

"Speaking of it, it's only three months before the next selection.

How much can I make even if I help them refine the Elixir three days and nights? "

Baili Hongzhuang looked at Xiaohei. She knew her alchemy efficiency, but Peng Jinglun didn't know.

At the normal alchemist's alchemy speed, in fact, there is not much to be refined in one day, and the mental energy needs to be restored under constant consumption.

Therefore, refining the three-month elixir is undoubtedly a mere remedy for the entire pharmacy, and cannot play a big role.

In this way, the price is only two kinds of Danfang.

Even if Danfang's influence is not small, she doesn't think it is enough for Yaozong to pay such a price.

"So, nine times out of ten is to give me a hope, and finally I will just get my Danfang."

Hearing, Xiao He couldn't help but widen his eyes, "So mean?"

"It doesn't matter. He will give me a reason to be proud. By the time, there is the possibility of failure in the competition, which does not mean that it will succeed."

"That's what it says, but isn't this equivalent to no-cost trading?" Xiao Hei couldn't help it.

"Perhaps, but it's still uncertain."

Baili Hongzhuang was not surprised by such a situation. Since she came to the demon domain, her luck is very good, and she has never met any bad guys.

Whether it was Han Chenyang or Ji Zimo, the friendship was very smooth and sincere to her.

But this does not mean that everyone will be like this, everyone is mainly in their own interests, it is not surprising that such a situation occurs.

Baili Hongzhuang found Han Chenyang, and as she told him about it, Han Chenyang's expression suddenly became weird.

"I really don't see this Peng Jinglun's talkative appearance. In fact, the abacus in the back of the floor is cracking!"

He pouted his lips, his expression showing disdain.

"This condition is related to the entire sect, and will not be easily promised."

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