Rao is that the development of this situation is somewhat unexpected, and Luan Tongxia did not care.

What if Lan Yixuan is still here?

She has been studying this toxin for the past few days and has to say that this poison is really the most complex toxin she has encountered in so many years.

Even if she has studied for so many days, there is still no progress.

This Lan Yixuan is nothing more than a powerful pharmacist, and even if she is attained in this respect, she can't beat her.

Before, she was full of confidence and even dared to hit her in public. Today she just came to see the woman's joke and see how she ended up!

"We are concerned about our condition and want to know what progress the blue girl has made in the past few days?"

Luan Tongxia's voice was calm, as if it was just an ordinary inquiry, but the taunt between the eyebrows was clearly a joke like a joke.

Baili Hongzhuang knows that she said this last time made this woman very unhappy, how can she not look at her expression at this moment?

All eyes were instantly focused on her. In fact, although Baili Hongzhuang had promised to develop antidote, many doctors never gave up on it.

For example, Luan Tongxia.

In the past few days, Luan Tongxia and the several doctors they have found have not given any response, so that they can see that they cannot be cracked.

Although they didn't get poisoned because they stayed in Baili Hongzhuang's house soon, they would not endanger their lives.

But this one is poisonous after all, if it can't be solved, then it is really troublesome.

With everyone’s many years of experience walking in rivers and lakes, we can temporarily calm down, but the worry in our hearts is still inevitable.

Han Chenyang looked at Baili Hongzhuang with anxiety, and he hadn't heard any news from Soul Breaking for so long, which meant that there was no progress on this matter.

Now that so many people are looking for it, this Luan Tongxia looked for trouble on purpose.

If you can't tell a reason, Luan Tongxia will definitely make the matter bigger. Even then, even if the blue girl is strong, she might be injured.

Facing Luan Tongxia's provocative gaze, Baili Hongzhuang chuckled and said, "I promised that everyone would develop an antidote, and naturally I was confident."

"You can rest assured that after several days of research, I have successfully developed a medicine for understanding."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the room couldn't help but stunned, eyes filled with surprise.

They looked at Baili Hongzhuang in disbelief, and for a moment they even doubted whether they had heard it wrong.

"Developed a medicine for understanding?"

Han Chenyang looked at Baili Hongzhuang in amazement. He really didn't expect this to happen.

Blue Girl was very confident when she talked about this before, but he didn't pay attention to it, only to comfort herself.

However, it's only been a while, and Miss Lan said that he has developed an antidote? This is too incredible, right?

The pride and ridicule on Luan Tongxia's face also solidified at this moment. She even wanted to ridicule her next, but she was blocked by this sentence.

All of a sudden, the expression is somewhat funny.

"Have you really developed a medicine?"

Luan Tongxia looked at Baili Hongzhuang suspiciously, her face full of disbelief.


Baili Hongzhuang nodded calmly, as if this was just an ordinary thing.

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