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It is naturally impossible for Peng Jinglun to admit this relationship. The idea of ​​soliciting Baili Hongzhuang has failed. Naturally, he is not willing to have another enemy at this moment.

However, Luan Tongxia will definitely not believe it because of their few words, and may even believe it all because of this.

When the time comes, the upper part tears his face, this matter can be really interesting.

"Girl Blue, this trick is really high!"

Han Chenyang gave Baili Hongzhuang a thumbs up, the eyebrows filled with admiration.

I used to think that Miss Blue's talent in cultivation is so great, and it was already unbelievable. I didn't expect that Miss Blue is not only talented, but even this mind is also first-class.

She has all the conditions that a strong person needs, even if she doesn't want to be famous, it won't work!

Baili Hongzhuang blinked, obviously in a very good mood.

"I'll find a restaurant a little further away to stay for a few days, and then go back in a few days."

Anyway, there is still some time before the next selection of places to enter the Demon World, even if she stays outside for a few more days, it will not be a big deal.

Hearing, Han Chenyang couldn't help but say: "Lady Lan, since you don't go back for a few days, why don't you go to death with me?

My father didn’t believe me when he heard what I said before. It would be great if you were willing to accompany me back to prove it. "

The more he understood Lan Yixuan, the more he felt that his judgment was not wrong.

Nowadays, the major forces are thinking about how to find a way to survive when the demon world barrier is opened, in fact, they have tried every possible method.

It's just that everyone knows the final effect, and it is undoubtedly difficult to achieve that effect.

Instead of focusing on those aspects, it would be better to follow such a true god.

Baili Hongzhuang looked at Han Chenyang on the side, "You should know what you and I say, and many people simply won't believe it."

People who believe in her naturally believe this kind of thing, but people who don't believe her will only think that she is talking nonsense and has no meaning.

She can persuade Han Chenyang, but it does not mean that she can persuade Han Chenyang's father.

What's more, she doesn't have to join Broken Soul.

"Girl Blue, I believe you, and as long as you say it, I believe my father will already believe it!"

Han Chenyang looked serious, as if he had already guessed Baili Hongzhuang's thoughts, and continued to explain.

"I know that this matter may not be a big deal to you. You are not the only choice for us to die. Joining or not joining has no effect on you.

Just... as a friend, can you help me?

Give me a chance to prove myself in front of my father? "

Baili Hongzhuang was slightly startled, but he did not expect that Han Chenyang would suddenly say such a thing.

"Although I am the Young Master of Broken Soul, I haven't actually made any achievements in these years...

If you think it is really inconvenient, that's it. "Han Chenyang said.

He has no reason to ask Baili Hongzhuang to do all this, but it will undoubtedly take a lot of time just to convince everyone through himself.

At least, he can't do it now.

Seeing the light in Han Chenyang's eyes gradually dimmed, Baili Hongzhuang said, "Then go to the soul."

There was still a trace of dimness between Han Chenyang's eyebrows, and he didn't recover for a while, until he was sure that he had not misheard, he raised his eyes and said, "What you said is true?"

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