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"I didn't figure this out."

Qi Xiangtian's attitude is undoubtedly better than before. He didn't figure out this matter himself, and it was really embarrassing.

"My previous attitude was really excessive, don't take it to heart."

Hearing that, Han Junxian smiled and waved his hand, "Brother Qi's words are too far-fetched. We are all our own, and we will not take it seriously."

After saying this, Han Junxian looked at Baili Hongzhuang again, his attitude was undoubtedly much more polite than before.

"Lady Lan, what happened just now is our fault, I hope you Haihan."

"It's okay." Baili Hongzhuang replied, "I can't participate in your housework. Why should I go to rest first?"

"Good, good."

Han Junxian beckoned and said to Han Chenyang: "Chenyang, you take Miss Lan to rest first, and you must send someone to take care of it."

Han Chenyang's face was not good-looking, he nodded after hearing this, and turned to be gentle when he spoke to Baili Hongzhuang.

"Girl Blue, let's go first."

Baili Hongzhuang knew in his heart that if he did not leave, their misunderstanding would not be resolved.

Only when they leave, can they make it clear.

It wasn't until the two of them walked a certain distance, that Baili Hongzhuang said: "Your eldest brother wants to compete with you for the position of young master?"

It would be inappropriate to say this to someone else, but Baili Hongzhuang and Han Chenyang are now close friends, so they have no scruples in speaking.

Han Chenyang also didn't think there was anything wrong with this. He nodded and said, "That's my eldest brother."

"Presumably you can see it too, my elder brother has always wanted to grab my handle, so that everyone feels that I am not worthy of this young master position."

Baili Hongzhuang raised her eyebrows suspiciously, "I'm a little curious about how you quarreled with your elder brother?"

Looking at the situation of the two of them just now, Han Chenyang's city mansion is obviously not as deep as Han Linchen.

Of course, Han Linchen's approach was just a bit too aggressive, and this would be unpopular.

"My elder brother and I are not born of the same mother." Han Chenyang said.

Baili Hongzhuang immediately understood this.

"That's it."

"It's just that my elder brother is not reconciled to this, and has always tried every means to change this result, so it became like this...

I have seen his hypocritical face a long time ago, but he really likes to use it to buy people's hearts. "

Han Chenyang looked disdainful, obviously disgusting his eldest brother, but there is no way he doesn't like it, it is always his elder brother, but it looks a bit annoying.

"No wonder you have to make some achievements."

Baili Hongzhuang showed a clear look. There is a big brother who is staring at him everywhere. If he doesn't handle the matter early, it will be really troublesome.

If this hasn't been done, someone will keep talking about it.

When he first met Han Chenyang, he said that he liked recruiting powerful practitioners.

Now that everything is understood, it turns out that there is still such a thing here.

"What happened today is really that I can't sorry you." Han Chenyang said guiltily.

"Isn't it a good friend? What do you still say these words for?"

Hearing, Han Chenyang also showed a smile on his face, "Well, I won't say polite words.

From now on, I will be stubborn and obliged! "

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