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The atmosphere in the room suddenly became awkward.

Qi Xiangtian originally came here today to seek justice for his daughter, but now this is just a misunderstanding.

Both Baili Hongzhuang and Han Chenyang have already admitted this, and he really has no reason to confirm that.

In this way, he also became unreasonable, and for a while, he didn't know what to say.

"Chenyang, did you invite Miss Blue back this time for the pill?"

Qi Xiangtian smiled, and now he has no choice but to rely on this to ease the embarrassment.

"It's not just this." Han Chenyang said, "Lady Blue is already very good, and you must know her strength in the Tower of Heaven.

This time I want to recruit the blue girl to our souls. Her existence is beneficial and harmless to us. "

Hearing, Qi Xiangtian frowned slightly, thinking that Han Chenyang had invited Lan Yixuan back only for the pill.

If it is to let Lan Yixuan join Broken Soul, then in the future, she will really look up and see her.

Judging from the looks of Lan Yixuan, this girl is so beautiful that she would be tempted to be any man if she looks at it for a long time.

It's not that he doesn't believe in the charm of his daughter, but at this point, there is indeed a certain gap between the two.

"Invite Miss Blue into Broken Soul? I'm afraid it's not a small price, right?"

Qi Xiangtian looked at Han Junxian, wondering what he thought of it.

Han Junxian also understands Qi Xiangtian's worries, let alone Qi Xiangtian, no one can avoid this kind of thinking.

"Chenyang, if you do this, I'm afraid Sister Rong'er will have some concerns."

Han Linchen frowned slightly, as if he was thinking deeply, "Lady Blue is indeed amazing, but..."

With that, Han Linchen turned his gaze to Qi Rong, the meaning was already very obvious.

Baili Hongzhuang is indeed great, but if there is a gap between him and Qi Rong for the sake of a Baili Hongzhuang, then it will be disregarding the overall situation.

The relationship between them and Chiyue Palace has always been very good, and the marriage contract between the two has already been made.

Together, this is the maximization of benefits.

Seeing that the other four people in the room had the same thoughts, Han Chenyang couldn't help but roll his eyes. He really didn't know what to say in this regard.

"Girl Blue is married, I don't know what you are worried about?"

Han Chenyang spread his hands and said casually, "Even if I am willing, people still look down on me."

As soon as this was said, the expressions of everyone in the room changed again.

Han Junxian coughed slightly, and seemed very helpless with Han Chenyang's words.

"How do you talk?"

"What I said is the truth."

Han Chenyang had a calm face, and he didn't think that this was demeaning himself.

"Girl Blue is a genius. After I have been in contact with her during this period of time, I have realized that she is extraordinary, not as simple as an ordinary master.

It is normal for her to despise me, not to mention that we are just friends. "

Seeing this, everyone stopped talking about this issue.

Han Chenyang has already made it so obvious, if they still cling to this question, they are deliberately picking things up.

"Okay, we know."

Han Junxian shook his head helplessly. He also understood Han Chenyang's character. Since he said so, it also proved that he was really telling the truth.

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