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"Qi Rong, this is the end of the matter, let's just let it go."

Han Chenyang said such things calmly, without unexpected anger, calmly even he himself felt a little unbelievable.

When he knew that Ju Yingyi had been staying with Qi Rong, he was very unhappy.

However, he has been waiting, waiting for Qi Rong to realize the problem, and waiting for Qi Rong to give him a reasonable explanation.

Now that this explanation is there, it seems that the answer I have always wanted finally has a result.

When he was expecting this, he was worried that he would be too angry.

Until this moment, he suddenly felt that everything was relieved, and he didn't bother to say more.

After hearing what Han Chenyang said, Qi Rong's eyes widened, and his face was full of disbelief.

"Chenyang, what do you mean by this?"

"Literally." Han Chenyang said.

Qi Rong couldn't help being anxious, "Chenyang, can't you understand me? The matter is not so serious at all.

I just want you to give me more time. Isn't that okay? "

"There is nothing between Miss Blue and I, you have already come to the door.

Ju Yingyi has been by your side for so long, and he even has a life-saving grace for you.

Qi Rong, ask yourself, don't you understand? "

Han Chenyang's eyes were full of disappointment. He really didn't expect Qi Rong to say such a thing with confidence.

This matter has been very unfair from the beginning.

Qi Rong fell into silence, and she said again: "I know that I am wrong, so you give me a chance."

"No need to say more." Han Chenyang said lightly, "If we separate now, we can be considered decent to each other."

"No, I don't accept it."

"Go slowly."

"You have been here so many times, you shouldn't need me to send you off."

After Han Chenyang left a sentence, he took the lead to leave.

He walked in the other direction all the way, until he walked around the front of the house, and without surprise he saw Baili Hongzhuang who opened the door.

The two looked at each other, and there was a moment of silence.

"Good job."

Baili Hongzhuang was the first to speak, the whole Duanhun was so big, but the conversation between the two was within the range that she could hear, and she already understood what Han Chenyang meant.

This is what made her listen.

Perhaps Han Chenyang had not thought about how to deal with this matter before, and hoped that she could give an opinion.

It's just that he didn't expect that the final development of the situation was a bit beyond his expectations, and he made the decision directly.

I have to say that after hearing all this, she also felt that Han Chenyang's decision was not wrong.

The young master who is dignified and dignified is obviously a sorrowful fiancé, but now he wants to give way to a man with a motive.

No matter how you look at this matter, there is no reason at all, and no one can force him to make concessions on this matter.

As long as he is unwilling, then all of this is natural.

The corners of Han Chenyang's lips stretched open, but he was obviously not interested, and even a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

"I didn't expect...I had no place in her heart."

He was really disappointed.

For so many years before, he always thought that the relationship between the two of them was stable enough, and never thought that there would be other possibilities.

Now... It's ironic.

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