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Han Chenyang nodded, he had never considered this before.

In fact, since this incident happened, all his attention has been on what Qi Rong has done, waiting for her to make a decision.

He was not interested at all for this guy who appeared suddenly.

Because he feels that this kind of problem lies with him and Qi Rong from beginning to end, and there is no problem with others.

It wasn't until now after Baili Hongzhuang's reminder that he thought that the appearance of this kid might also be impure.

In any case, even if the relationship between him and Qi Rong is impossible to repair, he must investigate this matter clearly.

"Lady Blue, you are still thoughtful. If there is a problem with this matter, then the other party has ulterior motives!"

The relationship between Duanhun and Scarlet Moon Palace has always been very close, and since the marriage agreement was made, the relationship between the two forces has never been more necessary.

The other party deliberately broke this marriage contract, Han Linchen is a possibility, in addition to him, some forces related to them may also take the opportunity to use some methods in it.

Because his relationship with Qi Rong has always been very good, they don't need to care about other situations.

However, the situation has become like this now, and it is really very likely that someone else deliberately destroyed it.

"I never thought of it?"

Han Chenyang was a little unbelievable, this was originally a simple question, and he should have thought of it a long time ago.

However, he had never thought about this, it was really incredible.

"Your attention is all on Qi Rong's body, so naturally you won't think of it." Baili Hongzhuang smiled lightly, "I am a bystander Qing."

Because he was not blinded by emotions, he felt that the whole story was a conspiracy.

Not only the appearance of Ju Yingyi, but even the poisoning of Qi Rong might not be caused by her opponents, but Ju Yingyi and the others did it deliberately.

After all, with Qi Rong and Han Chenyang's feelings, even if she was more sympathetic to Ju Yingyi, she wouldn't suddenly make such a move to bring him by her side.

And this life-saving grace undoubtedly solved the situation.

Qi Rong is more soft-hearted, and remembers this kind of grace, coupled with the original sympathy for Ju Yingyi, sympathy and guilt gathered together, this influence will undoubtedly become greater.

Even after...such a long time together, it is not clear whether Qi Rong has a good impression of Ju Yingyi.

"I will investigate as soon as I go. If someone is really making trouble in it, I will never let him go!"

Han Chenyang clenched his fists, his expression full of anger.

Baili Hongzhuang's first lightened, Han Linchen couldn't help thinking of Han Linchen in his mind.

If Han Linchen did not do this, it would be fine, but if he did it...

Then, he was afraid that there was really no place for him when he broke his soul.

Han Chenyang's attitude naturally does not need to be said, Han Junxian and even Qi Xiangtian and Qi Rong, their attitudes towards him will inevitably undergo a huge change.

This is entirely because of their own selfish interests that have destroyed the relationship between the two forces for many years.

If Han Chenyang can reconcile with Qi Rong afterwards, then the matter may not be so serious.

However, in terms of Han Chenyang's current performance, the possibility of this reconciliation is not very great.

Until then, you can imagine how bad the situation is.

Seeing Baili Hongzhuang fell into silence, Han Chenyang thought she was worried about the teleportation formation.

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