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Seeing Ju Yingyi standing up slowly, as if he had made up his mind to leave, Qi Rong couldn't help but become anxious.

"Yingyi, I am the only one left now, are you ready to leave me behind?"

She looked at Ju Yingyi nervously, her red and swollen eyes glistening with water, and she looked pitiful like a deer.

Ju Yingyi's heart softened as he looked at this kind of sadness, and he seemed to gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"Rong Er, I don't want to hinder your happiness.

Since this situation can only be resolved if I leave, it is better to let me leave and everything can be back to the beginning. "

With that, Juyingyi smiled brightly.

"My strength is indeed lacking in the main city of Zhouli, but I still have a foothold outside here. Don't worry about me."

"Now the war outside has started, and only the city of Lizhu is the safest.

Besides, don’t you have enemies outside? If you go out like this, it would be too dangerous. "

She knew that the reason why Ju Yingyi came to Lizhu City in the first place was not his own decision, but was chased by the enemy all the way.

Because there is really no way, this will break in.

Although there is also a great risk here, if he didn't come in at the time, he would be dead.

If it weren't for this, he wouldn't stay in the main city of Lizhou at this point, he would have gone back long ago.

"Rong Er, don't worry about me."

Ju Yingyi shook her head, her expression calm and gentle.

"My life is not worth money at all, even if it is really gone, what's the deal? As long as you live happily."

Hearing, Qi Rong almost said without hesitation: "No!"

Ju Yingyi was startled slightly, looking at her in a little surprise, as if she didn't expect her to say such a thing.

"You are right. I have known Chenyang for so many years, but he still doesn't understand me and doesn't trust me.

Even if I really marry him, it doesn't make much sense.

Since some people are wrong, it is better to separate earlier, maybe face it up and take this opportunity to let me see all this! "

Qi Rong's eyes gradually became firm, as if he finally figured out something at this moment, and a smile appeared on his face.

Although this smile was faint, it seemed that he had already figured out his way.

"I only have you now, I don't want you to leave too." Qi Rong said.

Ju Yingyi looked at Qi Rong in disbelief, the joy in his eyes could not be concealed, as if he was trying to suppress his joy and worried that he might hear it wrong. This sudden happiness may be gone at any time. He left.

"Rong Er, what you said is true?"

Qi Rong looked at Ju Yingyi's appearance, and the smile on her lips couldn't help but expand.

"of course it's true."

"That's great!"

Ju Yingyi couldn't help but hugged Qi Rong.

Falling into this warm embrace again, Qi Rong couldn't help but froze, but did not refuse.

When Qi Xiangtian came to Qi Rong's residence, he saw this scene, and suddenly became angry.

"What are you doing?"

The sudden roar surprised the two of them, and they separated quickly, and then they looked at the source of speech in shock.

When Qi Rong saw that the visitor was Qi Xiangtian, the smile on his face suddenly changed to panic.

"Father? Father, why are you here?"

Qi Xiangtian strode forward and slapped Qi Rong's face directly with a slap!

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