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If this kid is actually very capable himself, he really likes Rong'er, so he can compete fairly with Chenyang.

So even if Rong Er really liked this kid, although he would feel very sorry for Chenyang, he would not look down on this kid so low.

But... what is this all about?

He couldn't see a woman in such a way of pretending to be weak, this is a kid!

Isn't it a joke that a kid wants his daughter to be his support in this way?

What does this spread like?

I can't afford to take the lead at all!

How tense is the situation in the Demon Realm now, and how about their position in the Demon Realm?

Once the barrier is opened, all the problems will be exposed, and their entire power will appear precarious.

Under such a huge force, it is possible that the entire army will be annihilated.

It is precisely because of this that he has been worrying about this, Han Chenyang is a young man worthy of trust.

Handing Rong'er to him, he can rest assured, and the situation will undoubtedly be much better if the two forces fight the pressure together.

However, now Rong'er was fascinated by this little white face, and he was really **** off!

"Just such a trash, what do you think of him?"

Qi Xiangtian was heartbroken, he was almost to death, mixed with the anger of hating iron and steel.

How did I teach her all these years, how did she forget all these things, and get confused when she sees a kid who looks good?

"Can you use your brain for everything!"

Qi Xiangtian stretched out his finger to point Qi Rong's head. The force was not small, and Qi Rong only felt a pain in his forehead when he clicked it, and he took two steps back subconsciously.

"You said that he saved you, and you can't be ungrateful, so you are not ungrateful to Chenyang?"

"What has Chenyang done to you over the years, have you forgotten all about it?"

"He finds a doctor when you are injured, and avenges you when you are bullied."

"Over the years, I have seen all these things in my eyes.

It is because of these that I will let you marry him with confidence.

When did he make you wronged?

You made a mistake at that time. Chenyang was punished by Sect Master Han just to get through it for you. Have you forgotten all these things? "

Qi Xiangtian's eyes were filled with disappointment, and he had seen all this in his eyes at the beginning.

A man who can shelter a woman from the wind and rain is worth relying on. At first he knew that Chenyang had been suffered by someone for generations, but he didn't say it, just to see if this kid really had this heart.

The reason why Han Junxian is so optimistic about Han Chenyang is not unreasonable, he also thinks so.

This kid is really worth entrusting.

However, such a good young man was so let down by Rong Er.

It happened that he was still the useless guy in front of him, and he was mad at him!

"If you take a good look at this guy in front of you, what are the advantages besides a good-looking face?"

"Can he stand in front of you if something happens?"

"With such a little strength, let alone protect you, once a danger occurs, it is good not to hold you back!"

"I'm too lazy to talk, think about it yourself!"

"It really disappoints me!"

When Qi Xiangtian finished all this, he glanced at Qi Rong in disappointment, obviously not too lazy to say more.

If you don't wake up like this, there is really no need to say anything.

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