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At this moment, Qi Rong realized what he had lost.

She understood why Dad would say such words in such a painful way.

On weekdays Dad seldom has such anxious and frustrated time, even if she really got into trouble, Dad always looks very peaceful.

And this time, he was really angry.

She slowly lowered her head, looked at her hands, and then tightly covered her head. What is she doing?

Ju Yingyi looked at Qi Rong completely at a loss, and the tension in his heart grew stronger.

Everything was originally under control, but now it is out of control...

After Qi Xiangtian left, his anger didn't disappear, but the more he thought about it, the more angry he got.

Therefore, the first thing he did when he returned to Chiyue Palace was to order people to investigate Ju Yingyi.

"I want to know all the news about this kid, when did he come to Zhouli City, who he has contacted during this time, who may have sent it, I must know this news clearly."


After seeing Qi Xiangtian so angry, his subordinates were shocked.

Although Palace Master Qi does things vigorously and vigorously on weekdays, sometimes it is inevitable to have a bad temper, but it is really rare to be so angry as today.

I don't know who this Ju Yingyi is, he can actually provoke Palace Master Qi into this.

The next day.

Baili Hongzhuang went to Chiyue Palace with Han Chenyang. Han Junxian did not travel with him, but before the two left, he repeatedly confessed that Han Chenyang must make arrangements for Baili Hongzhuang, and there must be no problems.

This happened yesterday. He understands Qi Xiangtian's character, and I am afraid he doesn't know how to face him now.

It's fine if Chenyang is gone, and the juniors are a little better.

"Father, don't worry, I will definitely arrange it properly."

Han Chenyang looked at his father's repeated instructions, and a look of helplessness appeared in his eyes.

When he said that he wanted to support Miss Lan, the old man still felt like he was whimsical. He didn't expect everything to be more nervous than him.

Upon seeing this, Han Junxian felt relieved, "Then go quickly, don't delay Miss Blue's important affairs."

Han Chenyang: "..."

Broken Soul is not far from Chiyue Palace. Perhaps it is because of this that Han Junxian and Qi Xiangtian are so familiar, and Han Chenyang can also grow up with Qi Rong since childhood.

Baili Hongzhuang raised her eyebrows slightly, and she didn't know how Qi Rong went back yesterday.

From Qi Xiangtian's point of view, after returning yesterday, he would definitely not give up. He must have known that Juyingyi was found.

As for the situation at that time, even if you can't see it, you can understand it by just guessing.

Want to come...it must be more tragic.

When Baili Hongzhuang arrived at Chiyue Palace, the people there were already very familiar with Han Chenyang.

As soon as he saw him coming, Young Master Han uttered a word and warmly welcomed him in.

Not long after walking in, Qi Xiangtian walked towards him.

"Chenyang, Miss Blue, you are here."

"Uncle." Han Chenyang saluted, "I brought Miss Lan to use the teleportation array today."

Qi Xiangtian nodded, "I understand, I have already said hello, or should I take you there?"

Upon seeing this, Han Chenyang waved his hand and said: "I know where it is, so I will take her there, so I don't need to bother my uncle for a trip."

"Also." Qi Xiangtian smiled lightly, "Then you go."

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