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During this time, there was no news from Scarlet Moon Palace, and he was not in a hurry.

Because he has always believed that Scarlet Moon Palace has not completely forgotten them, as long as they have achieved results here, as long as they report the news, there will be good results.

Unexpectedly, now that everything has not been resolved, Lord Envoy has already arrived, which further proves that his judgment is not wrong!

Baili Hongzhuang looked at the happy appearance of the city lord and found it extremely dazzling. She didn't care about the battle in Thorns City, she only hoped that the people she cared about would be safe.

If Ziran is injured, these guys don't think about it.

Regarding the dispute between the two planes, as Bei Chen said before, this kind of thing cannot be solved by one person alone.

Since such a war can occur, it also proves the necessity of its existence.

The first confrontation between the two planes was not parallel planes, but planes bordering each other.

When the two sides knew it, they must initially want to decide a victory or defeat, but Bei Chen also said that the final result is almost certain.

The strength of both planes is not weak, and it is unlikely that one party wants to completely defeat the other, not to mention that both planes have their own cultivators suitable for survival.

Therefore, in this battle, in the final situation, it is almost certain to get along with each other, which is equivalent to becoming the same plane.

For this result, Baili Hongzhuang also agrees very much.

After all, the strength difference between the two planes is not big, and she understands the current situation after she comes into contact.

Even if Mingyao Academy was a bit unbeatable, it was just an exit.

In addition, other breakthroughs may not be the same.

Now she doesn't want to participate in this face-to-face dispute. The power of one person is too weak, and it is impossible to play another role in this.

Just when the city lord was very happy to introduce Baili Hongzhuang about their deployment during this period, Baili Hongzhuang was in a lack of interest.

"I will check the situation myself, so you don't need to introduce it."

Hearing that, the city owner couldn't help but was taken aback, but soon showed a clear look.

"Good, good, no problem!"

The city lord smiled, and in his heart he guessed that Baili Hongzhuang might still mind what happened before, but he didn't care either.

After all, something like that has happened, if nothing really happened without the slightest grudge, it would be really strange.

Baili Hongzhuang glanced at the other people and found that they were very warm.

Only through their expressions can see their yearning for Zhou Lizhu City, I want to often imagine that one day they can become a member of Scarlet Moon Palace.

It's just that, after all, this is just a dream they had.

Judging from Qi Xiangtian's attitude, it was obvious that they had never cared about the people in Thorns City at all, and didn't care about the situation here.

Because the gap between the two sides is really too big, maybe they can enter directly through the gate of the main city of Zhouli.

After Baili Hongzhuang found a reason to get rid of them, he asked the city chief for a token for his own convenience.

The token in her hand is only known to the City Lord here, and the others in Thorns City naturally don't know it.

Upon hearing this, the city lord quickly took out the token and handed it to her.

"Everyone here knows this token?" Baili Hongzhuang asked.

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