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"Break them out!"

With the deepening of Baili Hongzhuang, the sound of killing and cutting in front of him became louder and louder.

At a glance, a large area of ​​cultivators were fighting in front of them, a strong smell of blood spread in the air, and many people had fallen around.

The injured person retreated quickly, and someone rushed in again from behind.

The scope of the entire battlefield was huge, and Baili Hongzhuang felt a few very powerful auras as soon as he arrived.

Nine-Rank, Eight-Rank.

The entire battlefield was divided into two parts accordingly. The masters of the eighth-rank realm and the 9th-rank realm fight in one area, while the cultivators with a slightly lower cultivation base fight in another area.

Both sides are playing hard to separate, and if you are careless, you will lose your life.

Baili Hongzhuang took a closer look and found that the principal of Mingyao College was among them.

"Unexpectedly, even the principal would take action."

As the principal of Mingyao College, Zhou Chengde generally stays in charge of the overall situation, but this time he personally took action, which shows how serious the situation has been recently.

At this moment, he has obviously been fighting for a long time. Compared with the appearance he has seen before, he is now a little more vicissitudes of life.

The expression was exhausted, but his eyes were still bright, and he took a thunderous strike without mercy.

The strength of the man in Thorns City was not weak, the two almost met each other, and they did not give up in the confrontation.

"The Dean!"

An exclamation sounded, and Shangguan Yingying's eyes saw an attack hitting Jian Huansha like this, and his face was suddenly filled with panic.

Their number of masters can't compare to Thorns City, and all masters who can be dispatched in the Academy have already been dispatched.

Because there are not only cultivators in the monster battlefield, but also those monster plants and monsters, this combat environment is inherently in a disadvantageous position for them.

These days, they have been fighting here for a long time.

It's because they are cultivators, and their energy is much stronger than ordinary people, and they can't withstand such consumption.

They hardly have time to rest. The other students are fine. Someone can be on top, but these top combat powers are not.

Apart from them, no one can top it, so they can only hold on.

Now that the Dean has been fighting for so long, both his spirit and combat effectiveness have obviously been affected, and his reaction has begun to become slow. At this moment, an attack that can be avoided at ordinary times cannot be avoided.

Jian Huansha heard Shangguan Yingying's reminder, and suddenly realized what was going on, she quickly turned around and tried to avoid the attack.

However, her speed was still a bit slower, and the attack had fallen very fiercely.


A sound of gold and iron sounded, but the pain as expected did not come.

Jian Huansha noticed that there was an extra figure beside her, but this person was wearing the clothes of a demon domain cultivator.

Her slightly relaxed mind was tense almost instantly, but when she was about to attack, she heard a familiar voice.

"President, it's me."

Jian Huansha couldn't help being dumbfounded when she heard this voice.

She looked at the strange figure beside her in disbelief. That face was also strange, but the voice was so familiar.

"Red makeup?"

Baili Hongzhuang nodded slightly, "It's me."

After getting the affirmative answer, Jian Huansha breathed a sigh of relief, her eyes filled with light.

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