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"You knew that Baili Yanche was not a human race, you still like him, then you are really amazing!"

The woman looked admiring, but it wasn't a big deal when it really said.

After all, Baili Yanche was able to transform into a human form, and as long as it was inconvenient to be in the form of a monster, it would not change much.

As for whether the child born is a human or a beast, maybe...

However, there is a high probability that it is the human race, and of course it may also have some characteristics that the Beastmaster has.

That's how it is said, but if most people want to understand this, it is not an easy task, after all, this is a bit sad in their hearts.

She looked at Linghuyuan and saw that her expression was calm. It was obvious that she hadn't cared about this problem, but what was going on with her expression suddenly becoming sad?

Ling Huyuan looked at the dragon hovering in the sky, and at the majestic Beastmaster below, she seemed to understand something in her heart.

Bailiyan Che clearly only went to rest, at least half an hour, but rushed out at this time, undoubtedly because of everyone's remarks about Ling'er.

He revealed his true body, because he didn't want to make Ling'er girl feel lonely, and let her bear everyone's criticism.

If it was her, she would also be moved by this approach.

She had heard of the relationship between Bailiyanche and Ling'er before, and even thought that the two were a pair, but later discovered that the two were not in such a relationship.

After so long, the relationship between Baili Yanche and her has not gone further, and she is even more aware that Baili Yanche had told her that he had someone in his heart.

Seeing this scene at this moment, the feeling of loneliness in my heart has become stronger.

It turned out that Baili Yanche would behave like this when facing someone he really likes.

This look... is really exciting.

The woman noticed that Ling Huyuan was suddenly sad, her eyes filled with surprise.

"Yuanyuan, what's wrong with you?"

Linghuyuan waved her hand slightly, indicating that she was fine.

"You said, is Yan Che and Ling'er the best match?"

Hearing that, the woman couldn't help but was taken aback, then turned her head and looked at the two figures, her expression also becoming complicated.

As a friend of Linghuyuan, she also understands the situation between the three.

Originally thinking that Baili Yanche and Ling'er knew each other then they were not able to be together, presumably the probability of being together is very small.

After all, if you really like it, you must have been together a long time ago, so how can you wait until now?

It wasn't until this moment that I saw such a harmonious scene that my thoughts changed. Perhaps these two talents are really good matches.

After all, judging from this performance, no one would match them better.

"Yuanyuan, you..."

Ling Huyuan had already guessed her thoughts through her expression. She shook her head and said, "I'm fine, don't worry."

Baili Yanche had told her from the beginning that there was someone in his heart, but because he liked it very much, he had been persistent until now.

She would not blame Baili Yanche, after all, this was her choice.

Even if they are really together, I don't regret it all.

After all, if you meet someone you like, it would be a pity if you don't work hard once!

She didn't hope that in retrospect she would regret that she didn't have the courage, at least she had done her best.

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