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This powerful sense of oppression and that sense of surrender seemed to be innate, and absolute hierarchical suppression was impossible for monsters to escape.

It turned out that the Beastmaster of the Immortal Territory had such terrifying strength.

"Do it!"

With a roar, Baili Yanche quickly rushed into the monster and the monster.

Before dealing with these guys in the form of a human race, it was inevitable that they were a little tied up, but after turning into the form of a monster beast, the situation was quite different.

In the form of monster beasts, their perception power will be more acute and their speed will reach higher. After all, they are monster beasts when they return to their original appearance, and their combat effectiveness will inevitably be improved.

The moment the monsters and monsters in the Demon Territory showed their breath with Baili Yanche, their state had already weakened.

Until they directly culled in, they only felt that their combat effectiveness was weakened and their pressure doubled!

On the other hand, Baili Yanche and the others are like a rainbow, and the momentum of both sides seems to be reversed at this moment.

Baili Yanche directly pounced on one of the monsters. Because the speed of this monster was too fast, it was extremely difficult to catch it on weekdays, and it was easy to be attacked by accident.

Many cultivators had suffered a loss in the hands of this monster before, and once they were injured, they would be seriously injured, and it would be very good to be able to save their lives.

However, now the situation has become completely different.

The Beastmaster whose speed was completely exploded was faster than its speed. In the process of flashing, the Beastmaster took it directly with a palm.

Immediately afterwards, everyone heard a whimper, and the monster lost his life.

At the same time, Ling'er's speed was also extremely fast, and the dragon's tail swept away, directly slapped the monster that was coming over.

The terrible force brought a violent wind, and everyone only felt that a violent wind was blowing, and the monsters were shot down.

Seeing this terrible fighting power, everyone in Mingyao Academy couldn't help but feel a touch of astonishment.

When they knew that the two were monsters before, they didn't feel at all, they just felt that they were strange.

They didn't understand the power of monster beasts in this respect until they saw the real strength they showed.

The power of the monster beasts has always been incomparable to the human race, and their defense is a big problem that the human race is difficult to crack.

Anyone who has fought a monster beast knows how strong their defensive power is, and the difficulty of killing monsters of the same cultivation level is not ordinary.

At this moment, the superiority of the monster beast was fully revealed.

Whether it is power, speed, or defense, it has reached a terrible state.

"Unexpectedly, the fighting power of the monster beast of the eighth stage is so strong, it is terrible!"

"Bai Li Yan Che is the Beast King, how terrible is the only one Beast King? Just think about it.

I said when I was reading books in the past, the Beastmaster is the most powerful being among the monsters, and it is really extraordinary when I see it today! "

"I don't think those stupid guys should talk about Bailiyanche. People are the real king among the orcs. Even if they become human, they are still in the academy.

See what they are? I'm so embarrassed to dislike Bailiyan that Che is not a human race, tusk..."

As soon as this was said, the expressions of many people became awkward. Although this is very rude, it is indeed the same after thinking about it...

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