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Every place in the fairyland is now a battlefield, and there is a very safe place in the demon domain, which makes everyone inevitably curious.

"The Demon Region has a main city called Zhouli Main City.

There is a gathering place for the powerhouses of the Demon Realm, and all the top forces are located in the main city of Lizhu.

The surrounding areas that fell into the chaos of war are nothing more than the jurisdiction of the power of the main city of Lizhou, and the fighting on the periphery has no effect on the situation inside.

After I went to the Demon Realm, I went directly to the main city of Zhouli. Fortunately, I had a firm foothold there, and I found someone I could trust. "

Baili Hongzhuang smiled slightly, and slowly told everyone about her experience during this period of time. After listening to this remark, everyone couldn't help being filled with wonder.

"I didn't expect this to be the case in the Demon Territory. This is even more powerful than the Immortal Territory we have learned!"

Shangguan Yingying was surprised. She had always felt that the Demon Realm was inferior to the Immortal Realm, but now it seems that the Demon Realm is much stronger than the Immortal Realm, which surprised her a bit.

"Through the situation of the Demon Territory, I think there should be such a place in the Immortal Territory, just because we must have never been to other continents and have few opportunities to contact, so I don't know."

After they came to the fairyland, they only made some famous names in Mingyao Academy, and they weren't really in the top position of this continent, so naturally they couldn't reach them.

Hearing, everyone thought for a moment and felt that this is indeed the truth.

Otherwise, if none of the top forces in the Demon Territory had taken action, they would have already dealt with it so hard, then wouldn't the strength of the Immortal Territory be inferior to the Demon Territory?

Judging from the situation of the God Realm and the Devil Realm, the difference in their strength on the next level will certainly not be too great.

"I have been fighting all day recently, and I am indeed tired."

Shangguan Yingying stretched her waist, only to feel sore all over her body.

"I miss too much when there is no time to fight, so I can take a good rest, but my strength has been improved recently. It is really only when I grow up in pain that my strength can improve so much!"

Baili Yanche and others nodded in agreement, cultivation is like this, only in such oppression and danger, strength can make such progress.

"Is there no news from Beichen yet?" Wen Ziran asked.

Di Beichen is his good friend. They grew up together since childhood. If it weren't for Beichen, he would not go to the island of Penglai, nor would he come to the fairyland.

Now even Bei Chen's identity is different, he is still the best brother in his heart.

He also believed that Rao Shi Beichen remembered everything in his previous life and would not forget his brothers.

Baili Hongzhuang shook his head slightly, "I still can't hear the news, but the people in the Demon Realm know something about the Demon Realm, which is somewhat different from the Xianyu."

"The Demon Realm knows the situation in the Demon Realm?"

When everyone heard this, their eyes were filled with surprise.

As far as the strong people they have come into contact with in the immortal realm, almost no one knows the existence of the gods.

Perhaps those top cultivators have guessed that there is such a stronger plane, but there are very few people who can really ascend, and everyone can’t understand what is going on in the God Realm. It’s not like Hong Zhuang has already gone to the God Realm. The situation is well understood.

However, the cultivator of the Demon Realm that Hong Zhuang said had an understanding of the Demon Realm, it should be a real understanding of it, not just guessing the existence of this plane.

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