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"Everyone is greedy for life and fear of death." Wen Ziran shook his head, "but a lot of people went out and found that other cities were also caught in battle, but even if they came back, they still didn't mean to take action."

Thinking that when the news first spread out, they also thought that many people would come to help.

After all, Mingyao Academy had been fighting on the monster battlefield for a long time for the cultivators of Mingyao City. It used to be to give everyone a bottleneck environment. Now that everything has broken out, these people should also shoulder their own obligations.

However, no one expected this situation to be very different from what they thought.

Those guys weren't willing at all, they just worked in their own way, thinking about how to find a safe place to keep themselves safe.

This situation makes them really speechless.

There are many generations who are greedy for life and fear of death, and they are not unfamiliar, but before the battle of this kind of plane, it is hard to imagine that these cultivators have no fighting spirit.

This is not ordinary people!

Shangguan Yingying and the others also looked helpless, wondering how disappointed the dean was when they knew all this?

The people at Mingyao College were very disappointed about this, and they felt it very clearly.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this situation that everyone's morale will become weaker and weaker.

Obviously there are so many people in the entire city, as long as they are willing to take action, how can everyone be suppressed to such a situation by the people of Thorns City?

After Baili Hongzhuang heard this, the eyes were filled with emotion.

Thinking about it carefully, they met people who were as righteous as the dean, and with their backing, those guys really seemed too embarrassed.

"There are many people in this world who do it for themselves, and there are some fearless people. Everyone has different choices."

Baili Hongzhuang spread out his hands. In this situation, they couldn't find any other choice but helpless. After all, they couldn't force these guys out, right?

"However, you still cannot be so selfish."

Everyone is selfish, and she never denies this, but it is just too inappropriate to push others out to protect herself.

"I think those guys will suffer themselves sooner or later!"

Shangguan Yingying couldn't help but vomit, really, the more he looked at those guys, the more unhappy.

However, she also knew in her heart that there was really no way to control these guys in this situation.

You can't throw those guys directly into the monster battlefield, and the dean will not give up the last line of defense of Mingyao Academy.

Although this situation is really uncomfortable when I think of it, I have to say that I can only let it go on.

"It's no use thinking about it now, so why not think about something practical."

Wen Ziran frowned slightly, he felt very unhappy when he thought of this question, but there was no other way, so it's better not to think about it.

After all, this thought will only make myself more unhappy, and it is completely embarrassing myself.

"That's what I said." Shangguan Yingying sighed, "Then what should we do now? Let's just leave? Before we leave, we have to say hello to the dean, right?"

Everyone looked at each other and reached a consensus on this point.

The two deans have always cared for them very much. If they left without saying a word, it would be too unreasonable.

Just thinking that they left like this, just feel like a deserter.

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