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Because what seemed to be impossible in the first place now seems to have really seen hope.

Baili Hongzhuang said that she was very calm, not as eager as she imagined. He even believed that all of this would succeed without thinking about the risks.

She is very sensible, even though she has almost thought about this whole plan in her mind, she still looks orderly when she speaks it out.

Every sentence spoken from the shallower to the deeper, clearly clarified the whole plan, so that the two of them thoroughly understood.

It wasn't until this moment that they realized that Baili Hongzhuang's understanding of formation techniques might have completely surpassed them.

Those categories are beyond their comprehension.

"Sister Hongzhuang, what I can do with my current formation technique is just the simple layout of the edges you mentioned. I don't understand those core formation techniques."

Zhong Limu looked serious, he understood that there was no point in boasting Haikou on this kind of thing.

The plan itself is very large, and it is a delicate task. Once any one of these links has a problem, it will lead to failure.

Therefore, when facing this problem, they must not be strong, even if they are looking for other helpers, they cannot be strong in this regard.

I have explained the problem in advance, it is not a problem, they can arrange it slowly, but if the area and strength of each person's responsibility are not clear from the beginning, then the problem is very big.

Hearing, Baili Hongzhuang nodded slightly, and expressed his appreciation for Zhong Limu.

From knowing Zhong Li to the present, the best thing about him is that he has always been so calm and simple no matter what problems he encountered.

Until now, he has achieved very dazzling results in the Array Mage Guild, and he has not changed on this point. This is the most worthy of appreciation.

"I understand that this enchantment is still a bit difficult for me to set up, so I need your help."

Zhong Limu was planning to complete such a large enchantment in his mind, how many helpers he needed from the Formation Mage Guild.

During this period of time, he has been staying in the Array Mage Guild, and now he is very familiar with the people in the guild.

What's more, since grandpa went to the guild, he has become the president of the guild mage guild without surprise, and his identity needless to say, the tide has risen.

It's just that there will always be good and bad no matter wherever he is. Since there is a formation mage who has a good relationship with him, there will naturally be a bad relationship with him.

So when choosing people, he has to spend a little more thought.

If these guys are unreliable and ruin the entire plan, it is undoubtedly the worst.

However, Baili Hongzhuang's words made him confused.

According to the meaning of Hongzhuang's words, with such a huge enchantment, she can complete most of it by herself?

"Sister Hongzhuang, don't you plan to arrange the arrangement for the two of us?" Zhong Limu asked unbelievably.

"No." Baili Hongzhuang shook his head.

Zhong Limu breathed a sigh of relief, "It's not that good, it scares me to death."

He thought that Sister Hongzhuang had only been away for a short period of time, and the formation technique had already risen to such a terrifying state. It would be too scary.

"I think it's best to find two more people, so that our success will be higher."

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