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Seeing Xiao Hei hurriedly looking for words to make up for what she had just said, Baili Hongzhuang couldn't help being a little amused, "Do I look like such a sloppy person?"

"No...no!" The little underworld said.

"I didn't expect you little guy to be worried."

Baili Hongzhuang packed up his things and set them aside, before continuing: "I have already figured out the things in the past life. That is the past. No matter how you think about it now, it is the past that cannot be changed.

People, if you keep competing with your own past, it would be too boring.

Since Beichen and I can get together in this life, it proves that we are indeed fate, as long as we live well now, it is also uncontrollable for some external factors, but we are not ashamed of it. "

Xiao Hei couldn't help but sigh when he saw that his host was so hot.

In fact, it feels that the owner is impossible not to worry, and it is impossible for anyone to be indifferent under such circumstances.

Once the memory of the host is restored, the unforgettable love at the beginning will cause a mess between the gods and demons. If you don't really like it, how can you be so reckless?

It's just that the owner also thinks transparently, and has long realized this problem in her heart, and she can accept any result.

"Master, it would be nice if you could think so." Xiao Hei smiled, "You are a very good person!"

"If this enchantment can be arranged this time, let alone the dean, the entire Mingyao Academy, the entire Mingyao City, everyone will be very grateful to you."


During this conversation, Zhong Limu had already found Zhong Li Xiaoran, and mother-in-law Hua came with him.


Seeing Granny Hua's arrival, Baili Hongzhuang's face suddenly filled with joy and excitement.

"Mother-in-law, you are here too!"

When Grandma Hua saw Baili Hongzhuang, she hugged her very happily, as if she saw her granddaughter's grandmother, smiling very lovingly.

"You little girl finally came back. I have seen you so busy all day, and there is no news."

"Let mother-in-law worry about it, how has she been?"

"Okay!" Granny Hua answered with a smile, "What can I do wrong in this fairyland, but the situation is not stable recently, and I have just returned to Mingyao City.

Just now I saw Muer came to see Old Man Zhongli, so I followed and I could see you.

I heard that you are preparing to set up a barrier to stop all those guys on the monster battlefield? "

Baili Hongzhuang smiled, "Yes, I have this plan."

"Unexpectedly, your formation technique is already stronger than alchemy!"

Granny Hua looked surprised. When she heard Zhong Limu's words, she had some doubts whether she had heard her wrong. After all, even if she knew Hongzhuang had some accomplishments in this aspect before, she had never thought that she could be so strong.

"Then you won't leave after you come back this time?"

Baili Hongzhuang shook his head guiltily, "I will leave after the enchantment is arranged."

Granny Hua was slightly startled, "Go there?"

"No." Baili Hongzhuang said, "Go to another place."

Granny Hua and Zhong Li Xiaoran looked at each other, and they all understood the meaning of her words.

Hong Zhuang has been to the God Realm, and they have not concealed it, they all know it.

Then this so-called going to another place is undoubtedly the Devildom.

Who would have thought that they were still facing the problem of the Demon Realm, and Hong Zhuang was already going to the Demon Realm?

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