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"Are you sure it's this kid? This kid looks so weak, has this strength?"

Bai Lu looked suspicious. Earlier, he heard from the city lord that there was a guy in Yao Academy who was very powerful, and he specially asked him to take action. He still had some doubts in his heart. He didn't know when such a powerful character appeared.

I originally thought that this guy should be quite old, even if it wasn't gray hair, he would have to be a middle-aged man.

Unexpectedly, when he saw it today, he was so young, it was not an ordinary young person, he would have to wonder if he had heard it wrong.

"It's him!" The man on the side nodded earnestly, "When we saw him before, we thought he was not very strong. We didn't expect to find that he was a master after the fight."

"Master Bolu, you must be careful, his strength cannot be underestimated!"

Their previous masters were damaged on this person, all deceived by the deceptive appearance, thinking that his strength was not very good.

In fact, if it weren't for this kid, they had already taken Mingyao Academy before.

Hearing, Bai Lu squinted his eyes and looked up and down Baili Hongzhuang, but he also put away a somewhat contemptuous attitude.

"Okay, leave this to me, I must have solved this kid!"

The faces of everyone in Thorns City showed joy, and Lord Bolu came forward. As long as this guy is solved, it is no problem to leave the rest to them all!

Baili Hongzhuang understood the language of Demon Domain, and naturally knew what Bailu was talking about.

After the person approached, she noticed its aura, and it was indeed the aura that can only be found at the Ninth Pin Peak.

The Lord of Thorns City is bound to win this time, and in this regard it is indeed a bloody!

"You kid?"

Boru looked at Baili Hongzhuang provocatively, raised a hand and beckoned, the color of contempt on his face couldn't be more obvious.

"Let me see how powerful you really are, you dare to be arrogant here!"

Baili Hongzhuang glanced at this guy with a touch of disgust in his eyes. This guy must be used to being confessed in the Demon Realm on weekdays, and he took the lead in putting on airs before he started fighting.

It's just that she doesn't eat this set!

Everyone saw Baili Hongzhuang directly passing by Bai Lu's side, and at the same time a terrible energy attacked.

This Qi Jin went directly to the Thorns City team below, directly knocking back a patch of cultivators, and the cultivators in front directly vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Baili Hongzhuang knew very well in his heart that the cultivators of Thorns City could hardly resist the pressure of so many troops. If they solve a little by themselves, their pressure will be less.

Jian Huansha and others naturally understood what she meant by doing this, and they couldn't help feeling a little moved.

However, they also understand that Hong Zhuang can only make a surprise shot like this, and Bolu is here to deal with her specifically, and will never give her a chance to continue.


Bo Lu naturally noticed this. He didn't expect that this kid would hurt people under his nose. This didn't put him in his eyes at all!

Baili Hongzhuang didn't care about these things. He seized a chance to attack and attacked several times. One thing that can be solved is one thing.

Until Bailu rushed over and intercepted her.

"I think you are looking for death!"

Bailu hit Baili Hongzhuang with a punch. This guy's method just hit him in the face!

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