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Baili Hongzhuang is another stern move. After knowing that her opponent is Boru, she shot quickly and accurately, without giving the opponent a chance to stop.

The current situation is very dangerous. Mingyao Academy is at a disadvantage. She must find a way to solve Bai Lu before she can help others solve this huge crisis.

Bo Lu naturally discovered this, but what shocked him even more was the strength of Baili Hongzhuang.

This kid changed his face, he didn't even know what he really looked like, but he also understood that this was not the most important thing.

He didn't know the person of Xianyu, even if he saw his true face, he didn't know him.

However, he really didn't expect Xianyu to have such a talent, and his cultivation level reached such a level at a young age.

If this is changed to the Demon Realm, this level of strength is definitely the top powerhouse in the main city of Zhouli, and maybe they can directly enter the Demon Realm.

Dodged dangerously and dangerously, Bai Lu's expression became serious.

This person is stronger than him. This is no longer the pinnacle of the ninth rank. It is completely the pinnacle of the ninth rank++. He can't judge what kind of terrifying strength it is. The only certainty is that he is really not an opponent.

Under these circumstances, he had no other choice but to delay.

After all, once he couldn't hold her back, that kid would definitely directly attack and kill others.

The people in Thorns City naturally discovered this. Originally, they hoped that after Bolu could kill the Quartet, he would directly solve this obnoxious kid, and the following things became much simpler.

I never thought that Bolu was not the opponent of this kid, he was clearly being beaten and beaten at this moment!

"Master Bolu's strength is so strong, he was also crushed and beaten, so how strong is this guy?"

"This is a real strong. Has Mingyao Academy started contacting the strong?"

"I thought Master Peru would definitely solve it. If Master Peru failed today, what should we all do?"

The people in Thorns City couldn’t help being a little panicked. Even though they are so many today that they can occupy Mingyao Academy, if Boru can’t win and the man can’t die, then they still face a big problem and they want to solve it. It's too difficult.

Boru was already very unhappy when he was pressed and beaten by a boy who he looked down on. At this moment, he heard the disappointment of everyone, and suddenly felt that his face was even more difficult to pass.

I had indeed promised the city lord that he would be able to solve this kid today, but now it seems that I really miscalculated.

"I heard that the people in Thorns City cost a lot of money to invite you to take action. You are so much stronger, it's too disappointing."

Baili Hongzhuang noticed Boru's emotional fluctuations and began to sprinkle salt on his wounds.

Although this guy's strength is not as good as hers, it is the pinnacle of the Ninth Stage after all, and I don't know where the City Lord of Thorns invited such a master.

If it is not certain that the Scarlet Moon Sect hadn't paid attention to the matter of Thorns City at all, she would have doubted whether the Scarlet Moon Sect had sent a master to come.

After all, even if the masters of this level of cultivation are in the Scarlet Moon Sect, they are also top-notch.

It is precisely because of the strength that she wants to kill the opponent is not small, this person is just dealing with her, delaying time, and can't find a chance to kill with one blow.

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