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Looking at Bo Lu's triumphant and determined appearance, Baili's red makeup cast a sneer in his eyes.

In the next second, the vitality in his body surged wildly, a mysterious spell came from his mouth, the knots of his hands were constantly changing, and the speed was dazzling.

Bo Lu frowned unconsciously looking at Baili Hongzhuang's behavior, wondering what this girl was doing?

With the increase in strength, Baili Hongzhuang is now showing the Gate of Summoning, which is undoubtedly much simpler than before.

A wonderful totem among the people formed under his feet, and the black and red totem burst out, showing mystery.

"what is this?"

Everyone looked at the secret technique displayed by Baili Hongzhuang, and their eyes were full of curiosity.

The demon domain is different from the immortal domain, just as the methods of their demon domain are something that the cultivators of the immortal domain have never seen before, the methods of the immortal domain also make them feel unfamiliar.

"I don't know, it looks amazing, and do you feel that energy fluctuates?"

Many cultivators have been taking care of the fight and have no mind to pay attention to what is happening above, but the cultivators who have not yet joined the battlefield behind are surprised at the scene before them.

The surging energy made them feel unfamiliar and familiar, and these methods were indeed something they had never seen before.

Most importantly, the totem of Baili Hongzhuang did not appear on the ground, but appeared in mid-air.

Even if you don't know whether this trick is powerful or not, just looking at it will feel very magical.

Bai Lu couldn't help but frowned when he watched this scene, not to mention that the tricks that this stinky kid displayed really made him a little confused.

He didn't dare to underestimate the practitioners of the immortal domain. After all, each plane has its own unique tricks. If you rashly underestimate it and don't put it in your eyes, it is very likely to suffer a big loss.

However, he still didn't think this move would be his opponent.

"Being mystery!"

Bailu sneered, he didn't believe that this kid could also perform such tricks.

However, as the Jieyin in Baili Hongzhuang's hands stopped, the red and black totems under his feet were burning. The flames burning in the sky did not have any heat, but they looked real.

"Devil's door, open!"

With an order, everyone noticed that the totem of a door character appeared out of thin air, as if the space was torn directly between the world and the earth.

Seeing this scene, Bo Lu couldn't help but his eyes widened. I have to say that this scene looks really shocking!

"what is this?"

Everyone in the Demon Territory was shocked by this trick. Compared with the tricks performed by Bo Lu, Baili Hongzhuang's trick looked much stronger on the surface!

These gorgeous tricks, and the terrifying power that inadvertently spread, all tell everyone clearly how powerful and terrifying this trick is!

Many people turned their attention to the people of Mingyao Academy. They didn't know the characteristics of this move. Presumably these guys at Mingyao Academy must be aware of it.


Everyone at Mingyao Academy was also at a loss.

What is this trick?

Haven't seen it before!

After Baili Yanche and the others saw this familiar trick, their eyes filled with light. They had experienced how strong the red makeup trick was.

With the improvement of its own strength, the monster beast summoned will only get stronger and stronger.

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