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After the two monster beasts collided briefly, everyone had clearly noticed the difference in strength.

The real blood-mist green ox is extremely powerful. Although it is called a cow, it just looks a little like it, but when it comes to a real confrontation, its fierce appearance is enough to make everyone frightened.

I saw the slightly smaller blood-mist blue ox with a big mouth and bite his death, his eyes full of fierce anger.

It does not allow its position to be provoked!

How dare such a guy threaten his position?

There is no such thing in the Blood Mist Blue Cattle Race!

Baili Hongzhuang looked at the blood mist green ox in front of him, his eyes filled with satisfaction.

It doesn't need to be driven by yourself at all, just the inner anger is enough to make it explode with extremely strong combat effectiveness!

However, through this, she also understood that the demon realm is a subordinate plane of the demon realm, so the monster beasts of the demon realm also exist in the demon realm.

And just because this is a monster belonging to two planes, the difference in strength naturally manifests itself.


In a blink of an eye, everyone saw that Bolu's blood fog green scorpion bull was directly thrown to the ground by Baili Hongzhuang's blood fog green scorpion bull. The fighting gaze made everyone's hair rise, and they were frightened.

"Wow, this small monster beast is so explosive!"

"I was shocked when I saw that guy's behemoth before, but now I know that a big head doesn't mean that it's good, or that it's a little bit more powerful!"

"Have you noticed that the eyes of the two monsters are different?"

Everyone looked at the two giant beasts in the sky from below, and a careful person would find that the eyes of this slightly smaller monster beast flashed with agile brilliance, whether it is fierce, violent or angry, it can see through its eyes See clearly.

On the other hand, the other monster, although it also has some spirituality, there is indeed a difference in this situation.

"Yeah, so it looks like the bigger one is obviously more dull."

"Doesn't this mean that Bai Lu's transformation into the blood fog green ox can't compare to that kid's transformation?"

When everyone in Thorns City heard this remark, their faces suddenly became very ugly.

In their hearts, Lu Bai is the most important person this time, leading them to massacre people who are as powerful as possible.

However, now these people under them are fighting like a raging fire, and they can completely suppress the opponent, but the **** of war in their hearts, Bo Lu, is completely suppressed by a young boy of the opponent at this moment.

This mood became very complicated, and the sense of accomplishment seemed to disappear.

The most important thing is that in this kind of battle, the importance of the top power is too great.

Once Bailu failed, that kid and the monster beast rushing into their team would definitely be a massacre.

Previously, the kid just took the opportunity to attack them, and he had already caused heavy losses, let alone rushed into their battle circle.

The other team leaders noticed that everyone was in a trance, and couldn't help but say: "This kind of thing is not something you need to worry about, just take care of yourself!"

A cold drink brought everyone back to their senses. As the team leader said, the battles of these top powerhouses are not something they can blend, and the most important thing is to take care of yourself.

The people in Mingyao City are now struggling to support, the gap in the number of people is really too big.

In this case, the ending can be seen at a glance.

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