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They don't need to solve the monster beast, as long as they delay a little longer, it really couldn't be better.

However, Baili Hongzhuang felt like he heard a joke after hearing this, and soon they would understand that things were not what they thought.

"Do it!"

Following Baili Hongzhuang's order, the blood mist green worm New rushed out.

It knew its opponent, so it culled directly in the past.

The two felt a gust of fishy wind blowing, and quickly dodged.

However, the unfamiliar smell made the two of them look at each other involuntarily, a look of surprise filled their eyes.

Will the monster beasts that are transformed have such a taste? That is too real!


The two of them attacked the Blood Mist Blue Bull with weapons, but they also understood that the possibility of defeating the monster beast with their own combat power was very small, and they were more procrastinating, so the offensive was not fierce, and they were always Fight consumption.

However, the Blood Mist Green Bull did not think so.

With just these two flies daring to fly around in front of it, it needs a quick solution.

The speed of the Blood Mist Blue Bull is so fast that it can appear in another place almost in the blink of an eye.

Even if the reaction speed of the two is not slow, it is unavoidable to be attacked. One of the men was directly photographed by the slap of the blood mist green ox, leaving a blood mark on his body.

However, when the bloodstain appeared, the man looked sluggish and his expression was full of weirdness.

"what happened to you?"

When the other man saw him standing still, his eyes were filled with worry.

Is it possible that the Blood Mist Blue Bull is so strong that just one attack has left him no room for a counterattack?

However, the man looked at it with a complicated expression, and said: "Will the monster beast that has been transformed have temperature?"

"Nonsense, of course there won't be any!" The other man answered naturally.

This is a well-known problem. The monster beast that is transformed is transformed by energy. Although it looks like the real one, the fighting power that erupts is still slightly inferior.

Not only that, this temperature is absolutely impossible.

The man's expression became even stranger. He pointed to the monster in front of him and said to his companion: "It... it has temperature."

As soon as the words came out, the other man couldn't help but was stunned, his eyes filled with a thick color of astonishment.

"what did you say?"

"It really has temperature!"

The man was extremely sure that he had clearly felt the temperature when he was attacked, and it was definitely real, not an illusion.

"how can that be?"

The other man looked at the blood fog blue ox in shock, is this a real monster?

What does this mean?

It means that Baili Hongzhuang did not rely on Yuan Li to conjure one, but actually summoned a blood mist green scorpion cow from this space?

Such ability is like a dream!

As people in the demon domain, they have seen relevant records in those legendary books. Many people dream that they will have this ability one day, but that is the legendary ability. Everyone knows that it is not true. existing.

However, today they actually saw this scene from the cultivators of the fairyland, it was like they were dreaming!

Boru, who was fighting with Baili Hongzhuang on the side, also heard this, and his eyes filled with a thick color of astonishment.


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