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The two men looked serious, which is not a joke.

When the blood mist green horn came out earlier, they had noticed that these cultivators in Xianyu didn't even know it.

It's not that they haven't seen the monster beasts in the fairyland, and there is no small difference between them and the monster beasts in the monster domain, and they can be distinguished by just looking at it.

The blood mist green ox is black, and the energy contained in it is also a dark attribute. Where does it go with the guys in the fairyland? It looks different at all!

"Should this kid be in the demon realm?"

The man showed doubts on his face. This is a secret technique that even people in their demon realm can't understand. The people in the fairy realm can know it, but they think there must be something strange.

"Isn't this kid who pretended to be our demon domain before? Could it be someone who is ours, maybe a girl who fell in love with the immortal domain and just betrayed?"

The two were lost in thought. These words at first sounded a little at ease, but when you think about it, this is really the most likely statement.

Baili Hongzhuang had already discovered that the Ring of Chaos was probably the treasure of the devil world, and the summoning technique she learned was also the secret technique of the devil world.

But I didn't expect these guys to be quite eye-catching, and they could tell the difference.

After Jian Huansha and others heard this, their eyes were filled with incredible color, but they knew very well that Hongzhuang itself was a person in the fairyland.

This trip to the Demon Territory is only a short time ago, and it is impossible to be a person from the Demon Territory.

"Hong Zhuang is so powerful? Have you learned their secret skills in such a short time after going to the Demon Realm?"

Ren Qi couldn't help but sigh, this is a long-lost secret technique in the Demon Region, and Baili Hongzhuang can master this, it is really amazing.

"This is the short time for Hongzhuang to go. If the time to go is long enough, it will be fine?"

Jian Huansha was still in shock, but when she heard Ren Qi's words suddenly, she was taken aback for a while, and then she couldn't help but laugh.

"You still have such an argument?"

"Am I wrong?" Ren Qi raised her eyebrows, "Hong Zhuang is really the chosen son of heaven. I went to the Demon Realm as an ordinary person, let alone learning secret techniques. I don't know how many times I have died a long time ago."

It was not that no one had entered the demon realm before, and it was already a big problem if they didn't say that entering it, coupled with the language barrier of the two sides and different living habits, they would be directly exposed if they were not careful.

Not to mention that you have come into contact with this top-notch method in the demon domain, the possibility of wanting to survive is very small.

After listening to Ren Qi's words, Jian Huansha thought for a while to realize that what he said was really correct.

"A genius like Hongzhuang, her fate is beyond our imagination."

Jian Huansha smiled faintly, and couldn't help thinking that Hongzhuang itself was also a dark attribute. Now that she has learned the secret technique lost in the Demon Domain, it seems that she and the Demon Domain are really related.

With these abilities, it is undoubtedly much simpler to have a smooth life in the Demon Realm.

"Fortunately, with this helper, the arrogant world in the master zone doesn't need them to worry about it for the time being."

Ren Qi nodded, his eyes could not help falling to another area.

Originally, in this match, they were most worried about the top master zone, because they have always been at a disadvantage in this regard.

Now that Hongzhuang is here, this master zone has helped them suppress it, but unexpectedly this big team has a problem.

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