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Baili Yanche and others who were playing against each other did not notice this scene at first, until later did they know that something like this had happened, but since the fight couldn’t produce a result, it’s better to stop, so as not to be wasted. strength.

Regardless of Hong Zhuang doing nothing now, it has actually helped everyone a lot.

"Go back, go back!"

Shangguan Yingying shouted to make everyone retreat. So many people attacked at the same time, and they couldn't stop it at all.

Now the casualties are simply staggering, and if this continues, I am afraid that everyone will have to lose their lives here.

It's better to step back than that.

Those guys in Mingyao City didn't believe that the situation in the monster battlefield had reached this point, so it's better to let them see with their own eyes whether the situation is serious or not, lest they think everyone is bluffing!

As a result, as the number of people increases, the possibility of falling will decrease a bit.

However, as a result, Mingyao Academy will inevitably be destroyed, and Hong Zhuang and the others can no longer use the methods they had worked out before.

However, the current situation has been forced to Liangshan, they have no other choice, this is the only way.

The sound of killing and slashing was all over the sky, and everyone watching was terrified, and someone would fall every second.

Since fighting against the Demon Realm, such a tragic scene has never happened before, and it can't be more tragic than this one.

"Principal, everyone can't hold it anymore." Jian Huansha said with difficulty, "If you don't retreat, everyone will have to die here."

Zhou Chengde's heart had already sunk. After seeing the sight in front of him, this thought had already emerged in his heart, but when he really wanted to make this decision, his heart still felt uncomfortable.

"Then withdraw!"

Zhou Chengde made this decision difficult, but after making this decision, his heart also became firm.

Now there is no other choice. Mingyao College is very important. He would rather stay here, but he can't just watch so many students lose their lives.

As long as the students are there, Mingyao College will be there.

It was destroyed just outside, as long as they are still there, there is still one day to rebuild.

The poison powder developed by Granny Hua and Baili Hongzhuang also played a certain role, successfully fascinating some cultivators in the Demon Region, and their status was greatly reduced.

The cultivators in Mingyao City took this opportunity to kill some cultivators in the Demon Realm, but the number of people was too much, and there was not much room for poisoning.

Even if Granny Hua's poisoning technique is very powerful, in such an environment, it is only to fascinate some practitioners in front of her.

In the face of a large number of practitioners in the rear, this effect is obviously not enough.


When Ren Qi and others said this, their eyes were red. This belief that has been adhered to for many years did not expect to end up with such a result.

After all, they still can't hold the place where they have been so long.

Baili Hongzhuang has been hiding in a corner since he retired.

Apart from paying attention to her at first, Bailu didn't care about it all the time.

As long as this kid doesn't make a move, he doesn't need to make a move.

Once he shot, such a big movement, he must be able to detect for the first time, at the moment he is resting at ease.

After noticing this, she started her own actions.

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