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Bailu looked around, with a trace of consideration in his eyes, he wanted to see what was sacred!

However, as Bolu's words fell, there was no answer.

Upon seeing this, everyone in the Demon Territory couldn't help but look around them, wondering who the master who has been hiding is, who can stay invisible for so long, compared with Bai Lu, the gap is really too big. .

The people in Mingyao City watched this scene, and their eyes were a little surprised.

They also want to know what kind of powerhouse the Demon Territory is to be able to master this method, because the appearance of this pothole has blocked them and the people in the Demon Territory.

At this moment, the people of Demon Territory couldn't touch them at all, but the skeleton army was constantly coming out of the ground.

"We have reached this point, why bother to cover up?"

Bai Lu looked around indifferently, and at this moment he felt even more that the hidden guy must be watching his joke.

Ignoring his words at this moment means that he has not been taken seriously.

Zhou Chengde looked at the mood in front of him, and he was also a little confused, because the appearance of the skeleton army did not seem to be to deal with them, on the contrary, it was more like saving their lives by accident.

Whether it is such a coincidence or not, this is undoubtedly a good opportunity for them, or it is better to leave as soon as possible.

"Retreat quickly!"

Ren Qi and others were calling other cultivators, taking advantage of this time to see and run, and after these guys really appeared in Mingyao City, it would not be too late for them to find a way to deal with them.

Because once the numbers are dispersed, they have a chance to fight back, otherwise they have been under siege, and there is no other choice but to die.

As everyone ran away, the skeletons had already walked out of the underground pit.

However, the next situation was completely beyond their expectations.

Because these skeletons did not chase down the people in Mingyao City after they appeared, but took the people in the demon domain as targets, and slaughtered them directly.

The skeleton army in the fairyland is much stronger than those in the upper realm.

They have no pain, only numb combat instincts, like machines that don't feel tired.


Screams sounded instantly.

Everyone in the Demon Territory had already determined that the skeleton army was here to help them, so during the period of time they appeared here, they did not deliberately step back and keep their distance.

Even because they have never seen anyone summon this skeleton army, they can't help but feel a little curious, wanting to see the difference between the skeleton army summoned by this person.

They never expected that in the next instant, the fatal blow of the skeleton would have hit.

Under this unexpectedness, they were directly injured, and many people even lost their lives and let out a cry.

Until this scene happened, many people in the room didn't even realize what was going on.

The cultivators in the fairyland were still busy running away, while the cultivators at the back of the demon realm looked at the front with a puzzled face, because the crowd was obscured, they didn't know what happened in front.

Originally, Bo Lu was still dissatisfied with the act of not putting himself in his eyes at all. It was only when he discovered this unexpected situation at this moment that his eyes were filled with astonishment.

"How is this going?"

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