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The people in Mingyao City didn't stop because of this, and they beat the dogs in the water.

Previously, these guys wanted to kill them all at once, but now that Feng Shui turns around, when will they wait without taking advantage of this moment to vent their evil spirits?

For a moment, the people in Mingyao City shook the sky with a thunderous momentum.

Zhou Chengde and the others were relieved as they watched the change that completely reversed the situation in front of them, and showed a relieved smile.

"This time it really depends on red makeup."

Ren Qi couldn't help but sigh, this change today is really exciting.

Originally thought that this time must be over, and there will be no chance to change all of this again, who ever thought that the situation turned out to be much better than they expected.

"I really thought that Mingyao College could not be kept."

Jian Huansha breathed a sigh of relief. What happened before made her think that the college really couldn't keep it, but what happened after that was completely beyond her expectation.

Not only did they keep it, but they could also come back to fight back. Such a change is tantamount to returning from **** to heaven. How bad the mood was before, and how relaxed it is now.

"The college is finally saved."

Zhou Chengde took a deep breath and looked relieved.

As the principal of Mingyao College, he is undoubtedly the most important to the college.

Over the years, since the academy was handed over to her, he has always wanted to carry forward Mingyao Academy.

I have been holding the title of the Second Academy until some time ago, this title was finally removed.

Their Mingyao Academy is not always the second child of ten thousand years, but also has the time to be the first.

This is undoubtedly a big step forward in the history of Mingyao College, and what happened afterwards completely exceeded his expectations.

Now, the college has kept it!

If the enchantment mentioned by Hong Zhuang is really feasible, it means that there is no need to worry about the academy being damaged in a short time. This is the real relief for him!

When the cultivators who ran out of the monster battlefield arrived on the streets of Mingyao City, they quickly told everything they had seen.

The tragic and spectacular scenes are really impressive, but the other people in the city are still indifferent, laughing and talking with each other in sharp contrast.

The people who originally talked about the monster battlefield were basically people from Mingyao Academy, because there had always been a place for students of Mingyao Academy to practice.

Part of the reason why everyone has been reluctant to help is that Mingyao College used to be a good place for students to experience, and all the training resources belonged to Mingyao College.

Now that I really got into trouble, I thought of telling other people that, in their opinion, they didn't want to help.

On the other hand, they sincerely felt that a single academy could stop things for so many years, and what they said was not too serious in their eyes, and they didn't need their help at all.

However, at this moment when they saw these familiar faces and uttered the situation in horror, everyone's expressions couldn't help but change.

"What you said is true?"

"The situation in the monster battlefield is really that dangerous?"

"Really! It's all true! We saw it with our own eyes!"

"The strength of those guys is really terrifying. If we don't act, they will have broken through the entrance and appear directly in Mingyao City!"

"Everyone, hurry up and help, otherwise the people of Mingyao Academy will be wiped out!"

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